Data Interpretation Ques 75


Directions : Study the table carefully to answer the questions that follow :

Production of two types of items by four different companies in six
Company K L M N
different months
Months Type-1 Type-2 Type-1 Type-2 Type-1 Type-2 Type-1 Type-2
January 234 452 432 654 434 324 435 564
February 545 543 534 335 532 450 652 544
March 756 670 864 654 765 565 564 765
April 634 765 643 454 665 933 875 809
May 568 656 789 654 424 666 565 544
June 875 426 908 767 568 958 574 546

What was the respective ratio between the number of items of type-2 produced by Company-M in the month of May and the number of items of type-1 produced by Company-L in the month of March?

(1) $\frac{49}{109}$

(2) $\frac{31}{48}$

(3) $\frac{50}{109}$

(4) $\frac{43}{58}$

(5) None of these

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Answer: (5)

Solution: (5)

Required ratio = $666: 864=37: 48$

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