Data Interpretation Ques 383


Directions : The following tables show the particulars of travel by four different cars along four different routes between the cities X and Y. Consider the following information carefully and answer the questions.

Cars Maximum
Speed of the cars only
when all seats are
Routes Distance Percentage of speed
reduction due to
Suzuki $220 km / h$ 160 A 300 $10 \%$
TATA $240 km / h$ 150 B 280 $18 \%$
Honda $260 km / h$ 170 C 320 $15 \%$
Hyundai $200 km / h$ 140 D 310 $20 \%$

NOTE- All the cars travel between Cities X and Y via any one of the routes given above.

What is the average time taken by all the cars along route $D$, when all the seats are filled in all the four cars?

(1) 1 hour 55 minutes

(2) 2 hours 15 minutes

(3) 1 hour 20 minutes

(4) 2 hours 25 minutes

(5) 1 hour 25 minutes

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Correct Answer: (2)

Solution: (2)

Time taken by Suzuki $=\frac{310}{160 \times 80 \%}=2.42$ $=2$ hours and 25 minutes

Time taken by TATA $=\frac{310}{150 \times 80 \%}=2.58=2$ hours and 35 minutes

Time taken by Honda $=\frac{310}{170 \times 80 \%}=2.28$ $=1$ hour and 17 minutes

Time taken by Hyundai $=\frac{310}{140 \times 80 \%}=2.77=2$ hours and 46 minutes

Required average

$\approx \frac{9}{4}=2.25=2$ hours 15 minutes

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