Data Interpretation Ques 326


Directions : Study the following information carefully to answer the questions.

A bakery sells three baked products - macaroons, cupcakes and brownies. On January 1, 2017, the total number of customers who bought products from the bakery was ’ $X$ ‘. The respective ratio between male customers and female customers was $4: 9$.
Out of the total number of male customers, $\frac{1}{5}$ th bought only macaroons, $\frac{3}{16}$ th bought only cupcakes and $30 \%$ bought only brownies. The number of customers who bought only macaroons and cupcakes both was equal to the number of customers who bought only cupcakes and brownies both. The number of customers who bought only macaroons and brownies was 6 less than the number of customers who bought only macaroons and Cupcakes. 8 customers bought all the three baked products and 48 customers bought only brownies.
Out of the total number of female customers, $\frac{1}{8}$ th bought only macaroons, $\frac{3}{8}$ th bought only brownies. $10 \%$ bought only macaroons and cupcakes and $5 \%$ bought only cupcakes and brownies. The number of customers who bought only cupcakes was twice the number of customers who bought only macaroons. 16 customers bought only macaroons and brownies and the remaining bought all three baked products.

On January 2, 2017, the total number of customers who purchased from the bakery decreased by $10 \%$ as compared to the previous day. If the respective ratio between male customers and female customers was $4: 5$, what was the number of male customers?

(1) 236

(2) 232

(3) 216

(4) 208

(5) 220

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Correct Answer: (4)

Solution: (4)

Number of customers on January 2, 2017 $=(360+160) \times \frac{90}{100}$ $=520 \times \frac{90}{100}=468$

$\therefore \quad$ Number of males $=\frac{4}{9} \times 468=208$

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