Atomic Structure Question 121

Question: The nucleus of an atom can be assumed to be spherical. The radius of the nucleus of mass number $ A $ is given by $ 1.25\times {10^{-13}}\times {A^{1/3}}cm $ Radius of atom is one $ {\AA} $ . If the mass number is 64, then the fraction of the atomic volume that is occupied by the nucleus is [NCERT 1983]


A) $ 1.0\times {10^{-3}} $

B) $ 5.0\times {10^{-5}} $

C) $ 2.5\times {10^{-2}} $

D) $ 1.25\times {10^{-13}} $

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Correct Answer: D


Radius of nucleus $ =1.25,\times {10^{-13}}\times {A^{1/3}},cm $

$ =1.25,\times {10^{-13}}\times {64^{1/3}} $

$ =5\times {10^{-13}},cm $ Radius of atom = $ 1\text{{ }AA},={10^{-8}}cm. $

$ \frac{\text{Volume of nucleus}}{\text{Volume of atom}} $

$ =\frac{(4/3)\pi ,{{(5\times {10^{-13}})}^{3}}}{(4/3)\pi ,{{({10^{-8}})}^{3}}} $

$ =1.25,\times {10^{-13}} $ .

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