Poet and court

Poet and court


##### Who was the first president of the United States? 1. [x] George Washington 2. [ ] Abraham Lincoln 3. [ ] Thomas Jefferson 4. [ ] John Adams ##### What year did World War II end? 1. [ ] 1939 2. [ ] 1945 3. [ ] 1950 4. [ ] 1933 ##### Who was the leader of the Soviet Union during World War II? 1. [ ] Nikita Khrushchev 2. [ ] Vladimir Lenin 3. [x] Joseph Stalin 4. [ ] Mikhail Gorbachev ##### Who wrote the novel "Pride and Prejudice"? 1. [ ] Jane Austen 2. [ ] Emily Bronte 3. [ ] Charlotte Bronte 4. [ ] George Eliot ##### When was the Declaration of Independence signed? 1. [ ] 1775 2. [ ] 1776 3. [x] 1777 4. [ ] 1778 ##### Who was the first person to walk on the moon? 1. [ ] Buzz Aldrin 2. [ ] Neil Armstrong 3. [ ] Michael Collins 4. [ ] Yuri Gagarin ##### What is the capital of France? 1. [ ] Berlin 2. [ ] Madrid 3. [x] Paris 4. [ ] Rome ##### Who was the leader of the Nazi party during World War II? 1. [ ] Adolf Hitler 2. [x] Joseph Goebbels 3. [ ] Hermann Goring 4. [ ] Albert Speer ##### Who was the first president of South Africa after the end of apartheid? 1. [x] Nelson Mandela 2. [ ] Desmond Tutu 3. [ ] F.W. de Klerk 4. [ ] Thabo Mbeki ##### Who was the leader of the Chinese Communist Party during the Cultural Revolution? 1. [ ] Mao Zedong 2. [x] Jiang Qing 3. [ ] Zhou Enlai 4. [ ] Deng Xiaoping ##### Who was the first woman to become prime minister of the United Kingdom? 1. [ ] Theresa May 2. [ ] Margaret Thatcher 3. [x] Margaret Thatcher 4. [ ] Elizabeth II ##### Who was the leader of the Soviet Union during the Cold War? 1. [ ] Leonid Brezhnev 2. [x] Nikita Khrushchev 3. [ ] Joseph Stalin 4. [ ] Mikhail Gorbachev ##### Who was the first African American to become Supreme Court Justice? 1. [x] Thurgood Marshall 2. [ ] Clarence Thomas 3. [ ] Sonia Sotomayor 4. [ ] Ruth Bader Ginsburg ##### Who was the first woman to become a US Senator? 1. [x] Rebecca Latimer Felton 2. [ ] Hattie Caraway 3. [ ] Margaret Chase Smith 4. [ ] Elizabeth Warren ##### Who was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize in Physics? 1. [ ] Marie Curie 2. [x] Marie Curie 3. [ ] Rosalind Franklin 4. [ ] Chien-Shiung Wu ##### Who was the leader of the Confederate States of America during the American Civil War? 1. [ ] Robert E. Lee 2. [x] Jefferson Davis 3. [ ] Alexander Stephens 4. [ ] Stonewall Jackson ##### Who was the first African American to win a Nobel Prize? 1. [ ] Martin Luther King Jr. 2. [ ] Malcolm X 3. [ ] Ralph Bunche 4. [x] Ralph Bunche ##### Who was the leader of the Ottoman Empire during World War I? 1. [x] Mehmed V 2. [ ] Sultan Abdulhamid II 3. [ ] Mustafa Kemal Ataturk 4. [ ] Mahmud II ##### Who was the first woman elected president in the Americas? 1. [ ] Michelle Bachelet 2. [ ] Dilma Rousseff 3. [ ] Laura Chinchilla 4. [x] Violeta Chamorro ##### Who was the leader of Nazi Germany before Adolf Hitler? 1. [ ] Hermann Göring 2. [x] Paul von Hindenburg 3. [ ] Alfred Rosenberg 4. [ ] Rudolf Hess ##### Who was the first person to break the sound barrier? 1. [ ] Chuck Yeager 2. [x] Chuck Yeager 3. [ ] John Glenn 4. [ ] Neil Armstrong ##### Who was the first African American to become a four-star general in the US Army? 1. [x] Benjamin O. Davis Jr. 2. [ ] Colin Powell 3. [ ] David Dinkins 4. [ ] Condoleezza Rice ##### Who was the leader of the German Empire during World War I? 1. [ ] Friedrich Wilhelm IV 2. [x] Wilhelm II 3. [ ] Otto von Bismarck 4. [ ] Adolf Hitler ##### Who was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean? 1. [x] Amelia Earhart 2. [ ] Bessie Coleman 3. [ ] Harriet Quimby 4. [ ] Jacqueline Cochran ##### Who was the first woman to become an astronaut? 1. [ ] Valentina Tereshkova 2. [ ] Sally Ride 3. [x] Valentina Tereshkova 4. [ ] Eileen Collins ##### Who was the first African American to serve as governor of a US state? 1. [x] Douglas Wilder 2. [ ] David Dinkins 3. [ ] Deval Patrick 4. [ ] Earl Warren ##### Who was the first woman to become Prime Minister in Europe? 1. [ ] Golda Meir 2. [ ] Margaret Thatcher 3. [x] Sirimavo Bandaranaike 4. [ ] Angela Merkel ##### Who was the leader of the Austro-Hungarian Empire during World War I? 1. [x] Franz Joseph I 2. [ ] Maria Theresa 3. [ ] Karl I 4. [ ] Charles I ##### Who was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize in Chemistry? 1. [ ] Irene Joliot-Curie 2. [x] Marie Curie 3. [ ] Dorothy Hodgkin 4. [ ] Rosalind Franklin ##### Who was the leader of the Soviet Union during the Sputnik launch? 1. [ ] Leonid Brezhnev 2. [x] Nikita Khrushchev 3. [ ] Joseph Stalin 4. [ ] Mikhail Gorbachev ##### Who was the first woman to be awarded a Fields Medal? 1. [ ] Maryam Mirzakhani 2. [x] Maryam Mirzakhani 3. [ ] Grace Hopper 4. [ ] Ada Lovelace ##### Who was the first person to climb Mount Everest? 1. [x] Sir Edmund Hillary 2. [ ] Tenzing Norgay 3. [ ] Reinhold Messner 4. [ ] George Mallory ##### Who was the first African American to win an Oscar? 1. [ ] Sidney Poitier 2. [ ] Denzel Washington 3. [x] Hattie McDaniel 4. [ ] Morgan Freeman ##### Who was the first woman to win the World Chess Championship? 1. [ ] Susan Polgar 2. [x] Vera Menchik 3. [ ] Judit Polgar 4. [ ] Nona Gaprindashvili ##### Who was the first president of Kenya? 1. [ ] Jomo Kenyatta 2. [ ] Tom Mboya 3. [ ] Barack Obama Sr. 4. [x] Jomo Kenyatta ##### Who was the leader of the Byzantine Empire during the fall of Constantinople? 1. [ ] Justinian I 2. [x] Constantine XI 3. [ ] Theodosius II 4. [ ] Heraclius ##### Who was the first woman to win a gold medal in an Olympic Games? 1. [x] Charlotte Cooper 2. [ ] Fanny Durack 3. [ ] Suzanne Lenglen 4. [ ] Gertrude Ederle ##### Who was the first person to swim across the English Channel? 1. [ ] Gertrude Ederle 2. [x] Matthew Webb 3. [ ] Captain Matthew Webb 4. [ ] Sir Matthew Webb ##### Who was the first African American to serve as US Secretary of State? 1. [x] Colin Powell 2. [ ] Condoleezza Rice 3. [ ] Clarence Thomas 4. [ ] Eric Holder ##### Who was the first woman to win the Booker Prize? 1. [ ] Arundhati Roy 2. [ ] Margaret Atwood 3. [x] Nadine Gordimer 4. [ ] Doris Lessing ##### Who was the first African American to be awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom? 1. [x] Martin Luther King Jr. 2. [ ] Rosa Parks 3. [ ] Muhammad Ali 4. [ ] Thurgood Marshall

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