Post gupta period

Post gupta period


Here are 50 questions on the topic of medieval history: #### Which of the following is NOT one of the Crusades? 1. [ ] The First Crusade 2. [ ] The Second Crusade 3. [ ] The Third Crusade 4. [x] The Fourth Crusade #### Who was the leader of the Mongol Empire during its greatest expansion? 1. [x] Genghis Khan 2. [ ] Kublai Khan 3. [ ] Timur 4. [ ] Batu Khan #### Which of the following is NOT a reason for the decline of the Western Roman Empire? 1. [ ] Economic instability 2. [ ] Barbarian invasions 3. [ ] Political corruption 4. [x] The rise of Christianity #### Who was the Byzantine emperor during the sack of Constantinople by the Fourth Crusade? 1. [x] Alexius V Ducas 2. [ ] Isaac II Angelus 3. [ ] Alexius IV Angelus 4. [ ] Constantine XI Palaiologos #### Who was the founder of the Holy Roman Empire? 1. [ ] Charlemagne 2. [ ] Otto I 3. [ ] Frederick Barbarossa 4. [ ] Henry the Fowler #### Which of the following is NOT a reform of the Catholic Church during the Protestant Reformation? 1. [ ] The sale of indulgences 2. [ ] The Council of Trent 3. [x] The establishment of the Church of England 4. [ ] The translation of the Bible into vernacular languages #### Who was the English king during the signing of the Magna Carta? 1. [ ] Henry II 2. [ ] Richard I 3. [ ] John 4. [ ] Henry III #### Who was the leader of the Ottoman Empire during the conquest of Constantinople? 1. [x] Mehmed II 2. [ ] Suleiman the Magnificent 3. [ ] Selim I 4. [ ] Bayezid I #### Which of the following is NOT a member of the Mongol Empire? 1. [ ] The Golden Horde 2. [ ] The Ilkhanate 3. [ ] The Chagatai Khanate 4. [x] The Byzantine Empire #### Who was the English king during the Hundred Years' War? 1. [ ] Edward III 2. [ ] Henry V 3. [ ] Henry VI 4. [ ] Edward IV #### Who was the French king during the Hundred Years' War? 1. [ ] Philip VI 2. [ ] John II 3. [ ] Charles V 4. [ ] Charles VII #### Who was the Holy Roman Emperor during the Investiture Controversy? 1. [ ] Henry IV 2. [ ] Henry V 3. [ ] Frederick I 4. [ ] Frederick II #### Who was the Chinese philosopher and statesman during the Song Dynasty? 1. [ ] Confucius 2. [ ] Mencius 3. [ ] Laozi 4. [ ] Zhu Xi #### Who was the English king during the Wars of the Roses? 1. [ ] Henry VI 2. [ ] Edward IV 3. [ ] Richard III 4. [ ] Henry VII #### Who was the Mughal emperor during the construction of the Taj Mahal? 1. [x] Shah Jahan 2. [ ] Akbar 3. [ ] Jahangir 4. [ ] Aurangzeb #### Who was the Aztec ruler during the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire? 1. [ ] Moctezuma II 2. [ ] Cuauhtémoc 3. [ ] Tlacaelel 4. [ ] Itzcoatl #### Who was the Inca ruler during the Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire? 1. [ ] Atahualpa 2. [ ] Huayna Capac 3. [ ] Manco Inca 4. [ ] Túpac Amaru I #### Who was the Muslim conqueror during the Umayyad Caliphate? 1. [ ] Umar ibn al-Khattab 2. [ ] Uthman ibn Affan 3. [ ] Ali ibn Abi Talib 4. [x] Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan #### Who was the Prophet of Islam? 1. [x] Muhammad 2. [ ] Ali 3. [ ] Abu Bakr 4. [ ] Umar ibn al-Khattab #### Who was the leader of the Mongol invasion of Europe? 1. [ ] Genghis Khan 2. [ ] Kublai Khan 3. [x] Batu Khan 4. [ ] Subutai #### Who was the French king during the French Wars of Religion? 1. [ ] Henry II 2. [ ] Francis II 3. [ ] Charles IX 4. [ ] Henry III #### Who was the Holy Roman Emperor during the Renaissance? 1. [ ] Maximilian I 2. [ ] Charles V 3. [ ] Ferdinand I 4. [ ] Rudolf II #### Who was the Florentine statesman and philosopher during the Renaissance? 1. [ ] Niccolò Machiavelli 2. [ ] Leonardo da Vinci 3. [ ] Michelangelo 4. [ ] Petrarch #### Who was the Italian explorer during the Age of Discovery? 1. [ ] Christopher Columbus 2. [x] Amerigo Vespucci 3. [ ] Vasco da Gama 4. [ ] Ferdinand Magellan #### Who was the Ottoman sultan during the Siege of Vienna? 1. [ ] Suleiman the Magnificent 2. [ ] Selim II 3. [x] Mehmed IV 4. [ ] Mustafa II #### Who was the leader of the Safavid Empire during the Battle of Chaldiran? 1. [x] Ismail I 2. [ ] Tahmasp I 3. [ ] Abbas I 4. [ ] Safi I #### Who was the English queen during the English Civil War? 1. [ ] Mary I 2. [ ] Elizabeth I 3. [ ] Mary, Queen of Scots 4. [ ] Henrietta Maria #### Who was the Scottish king during the Union of the Crowns? 1. [ ] James II of England 2. [x] James VI of Scotland 3. [ ] Charles I of England 4. [ ] Charles II of England #### Who was the German philosopher and mathematician during the Scientific Revolution? 1. [x] Gottfried Leibniz 2. [ ] René Descartes 3. [ ] John Locke 4. [ ] Baruch Spinoza #### Who was the English king during the Glorious Revolution? 1. [ ] James II 2. [x] William III 3. [ ] Mary II 4. [ ] George I #### Who was the English philosopher and scientist during the Enlightenment? 1. [ ] John Locke 2. [ ] Voltaire 3. [ ] Immanuel Kant 4. [x] Isaac Newton #### Who was the French philosopher and writer during the Enlightenment? 1. [ ] René Descartes 2. [ ] Jean-Jacques Rousseau 3. [x] Voltaire 4. [ ] Émile Durkheim #### Who was the Russian emperor during the reign of Peter the Great? 1. [x] Tsar Alexei I 2. [ ] Tsar Feodor III 3. [ ] Tsar Ivan V 4. [ ] Empress Catherine I #### Who was the Austrian emperor during the Congress of Vienna? 1. [ ] Joseph II 2. [x] Francis I 3. [ ] Ferdinand I 4. [ ] Franz Joseph I #### Who was the Prussian general during the unification of Germany? 1. [x] Otto von Bismarck 2. [ ] Albrecht von Roon 3. [ ] Helmuth von Moltke the Elder 4. [ ] Paul von Hindenburg #### Who was the Russian revolutionary during the October Revolution? 1. [ ] Vladimir Lenin 2. [x] Leon Trotsky 3. [ ] Joseph Stalin 4. [ ] Nikita Khrushchev #### Who was the Japanese emperor during the Meiji Restoration? 1. [x] Emperor Meiji 2. [ ] Emperor Komei 3. [ ] Emperor Taishō 4. [ ] Emperor Shōwa #### Who was the Ottoman sultan during the Balkan Wars? 1. [ ] Abdul Hamid II 2. [x] Mehmed V 3. [ ] Mehmed VI 4. [ ] Abdulmejid II #### Who was the German field marshal during World War I? 1. [ ] Erich Ludendorff 2. [x] Paul von Hindenburg 3. [ ] Alfred von Schlieffen 4. [ ] Erwin Rommel #### Who was the Irish revolutionary during the Irish War of Independence? 1. [ ] Daniel O'Connell 2. [ ] Charles Stewart Parnell 3. [ ] Michael Collins 4. [x] Éamon de Valera

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