Advent of Europian

Advent of Europian


1. ##### Which of these countries was not a part of the Axis Powers during WWII? 1. [ ] Germany 2. [ ] Japan 3. [ ] Italy 4. [x] France 2. ##### Who was the President of the United States during the Cuban Missile Crisis? 1. [ ] Richard Nixon 2. [ ] Lyndon B. Johnson 3. [x] John F. Kennedy 4. [ ] Dwight D. Eisenhower 3. ##### The Tiananmen Square protests took place in which country? 1. [x] China 2. [ ] India 3. [ ] Russia 4. [ ] United States 4. ##### Who was the leader of the Soviet Union during the Cold War? 1. [x] Joseph Stalin 2. [ ] Nikita Khrushchev 3. [ ] Leonid Brezhnev 4. [ ] Mikhail Gorbachev 5. ##### Which of these events marked the end of the Vietnam War? 1. [ ] Attack on Pearl Harbor 2. [ ] Battle of Dien Bien Phu 3. [x] Fall of Saigon 4. [ ] Tet Offensive 6. ##### Who was the Prime Minister of India at the time of India's independence? 1. [x] Jawaharlal Nehru 2. [ ] Mahatma Gandhi 3. [ ] Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel 4. [ ] Muhammad Ali Jinnah 7. ##### Who was the Chancellor of Germany prior to the start of WWII? 1. [ ] Konrad Adenauer 2. [ ] Kurt Georg Kiesinger 3. [ ] Helmut Schmidt 4. [x] Adolf Hitler 8. ##### Which of these countries was not a part of the Allied Powers during WWII? 1. [ ] United States 2. [ ] Soviet Union 3. [ ] United Kingdom 4. [x] Japan 9. ##### Which of these is NOT a country in the United Nations Security Council? 1. [ ] China 2. [ ] France 3. [ ] Egypt 4. [x] Canada 10. ##### Which of these countries was the first to successfully test a nuclear weapon? 1. [ ] United States 2. [x] United Kingdom 3. [ ] Soviet Union 4. [ ] China 11. ##### Who was the first man to walk on the moon? 1. [ ] Neil Armstrong 2. [ ] Buzz Aldrin 3. [ ] Michael Collins 4. [ ] Yuri Gagarin 12. ##### Who was the leader of the German Democratic Republic (East Germany)? 1. [ ] Konrad Adenauer 2. [ ] Erich Honecker 3. [ ] Willy Brandt 4. [x] Angela Merkel 13. ##### Who was the first woman to be elected Prime Minister in the United Kingdom? 1. [ ] Theresa May 2. [ ] Margaret Thatcher 3. [ ] Clementine Churchill 4. [x] Margaret Thatcher 14. ##### Who was the first woman to be elected President in a European country? 1. [ ] Angela Merkel 2. [ ] Cristina Kirchner 3. [ ] Violeta Chamorro 4. [x] Vigdís Finnbogadóttir 15. ##### Who was the leader of the Soviet Union during the collapse of the Soviet Union? 1. [x] Mikhail Gorbachev 2. [ ] Boris Yeltsin 3. [ ] Vladimir Putin 4. [ ] Leonid Brezhnev 16. ##### Which of these events marked the beginning of WWII? 1. [ ] Attack on Pearl Harbor 2. [x] Invasion of Poland 3. [ ] Battle of Stalingrad 4. [ ] Operation Barbarossa 17. ##### Who was the Chancellor of Germany during the reunification of Germany? 1. [ ] Helmut Schmidt 2. [x] Helmut Kohl 3. [ ] Gerhard Schröder 4. [ ] Angela Merkel 18. ##### Which of these events marked the beginning of the Cold War? 1. [ ] Tripartite Pact 2. [ ] Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact 3. [x] Marshall Plan 4. [ ] North Atlantic Treaty 19. ##### Which of these countries was the first to legalize same-sex marriage? 1. [ ] United States 2. [ ] Germany 3. [x] Netherlands 4. [ ] France 20. ##### Who was the leader of the Argentine military junta during the Falklands War? 1. [x] Leopoldo Galtieri 2. [ ] Carlos Menem 3. [ ] Raúl Alfonsín 4. [ ] Néstor Kirchner 21. ##### Who was the first African American to be elected as a United States Senator after the Civil War? 1. [ ] Barack Obama 2. [ ] Thurgood Marshall 3. [ ] Condoleezza Rice 4. [x] Edward Brooke 22. ##### Who was the first African American to serve as the Attorney General of the United States? 1. [ ] Eric Holder 2. [x] Ramsey Clark 3. [ ] John Mitchell 4. [ ] Janet Reno 23. ##### Who was the first African American to receive a Nobel Peace Prize? 1. [ ] Martin Luther King Jr. 2. [ ] Thurgood Marshall 3. [ ] Condoleezza Rice 4. [x] Ralph Bunche 24. ##### Who was the first African American to be appointed to the Supreme Court of the United States? 1. [x] Thurgood Marshall 2. [ ] Clarence Thomas 3. [ ] Constance Baker Motley 4. [ ] Sonia Sotomayor 25. ##### Who was the first woman to serve as the Attorney General of the United States? 1. [ ] Janet Reno 2. [x] Loretta Lynch 3. [ ] Condoleezza Rice 4. [ ] Michele Flournoy 26. ##### Who was the first woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize? 1. [x] Bertha von Suttner 2. [ ] Malala Yousafzai 3. [ ] Aung San Suu Kyi 4. [ ] Rigoberta Menchú 27. ##### Who was the first woman to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature? 1. [ ] Pearl S. Buck 2. [ ] Doris Lessing 3. [ ] Nadine Gordimer 4. [x] Selma Lagerlöf 28. ##### Who was the first woman to become the Secretary-General of the United Nations? 1. [x] Ban Ki-moon 2. [ ] Kofi Annan 3. [ ] Javier Pérez de Cuéllar 4. [ ] Dag Hammarskjöld 29. ##### Who was the first woman to become the President of the United Nations General Assembly? 1. [ ] Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit 2. [ ] Karen Pierce 3. [x] María Fernanda Espinosa Garcés 4. [ ] Susan Rice 30. ##### Who was the first woman to become the Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force? 1. [ ] Claire Lee Chennault 2. [ ] Dwight D. Eisenhower 3. [ ] George S. Patton 4. [x] Opha Mae Johnson 31. ##### Who was the first woman to become the American Red Cross President? 1. [ ] Clara Barton 2. [ ] Florence Nightingale 3. [x] Jeannette Rankin 4. [ ] Elizabeth Blackwell 32. ##### Who was the first woman to become the American Red Cross Chairman of the Board? 1. [x] Elizabeth Dole 2. [ ] Nancy Brinker 3. [ ] Jeannette Rankin 4. [ ] Ruth Patrick 33. ##### Who was the first woman to become the Deputy Secretary of Defense? 1. [ ] Madeleine Albright 2. [ ] Susan Rice 3. [x] Kathleen Hicks 4. [ ] Antonia Novello 34. ##### Who was the first woman to become the Chief of Staff of the Army? 1. [ ] Ann Dunwoody 2. [x] Angela Salinas 3. [ ] Ruth Watterson 4. [ ] Elizabeth Hoisington 35. ##### Who was the first woman to become the Chief of Naval Operations? 1. [ ] Glynn Ringrose 2. [ ] Grace Hopper 3. [x] Michele Janine Brown 4. [ ] Laura Richardson 36. ##### Who was the first woman to become the Chief of Space Operations? 1. [x] Caryl Haskins 2. [ ] Sally Ride 3. [ ] Ellen Ochoa 4. [ ] Bonnie Dunbar 37. ##### Who was the first woman to become the Head of the Library of Congress? 1. [ ] Librarian of Congress 2. [x] Carla Hayden 3. [ ] Daniel Boorstin 4. [ ] James Billington 38. ##### Who was the first woman to become the Director of the National Institutes of Health? 1. [ ] Elizabeth Blackburn 2. [ ] Margaret Heckler 3. [x] Francis Collins 4. [ ] Anthony Fauci 39. ##### Who was the first woman to become the Director of CERN? 1. [x] Fabiola Gianotti 2. [ ] Cécile DeWitt-Morette 3. [ ] Claire Lee Chennault 4. [ ] Melissa Franklin 40. ##### Who was the first woman to become the Administrator of NASA? 1. [ ] Sally Ride 2. [ ] Margaret Hamilton 3. [x] Marcia Smith 4. [ ] Nancy Grace Roman 41. ##### Who was the first woman to become the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency? 1. [ ] Lisa Jackson 2. [ ] Gina McCarthy 3. [x] Mary Nichols 4. [ ] Christine Todd Whitman 42. ##### Who was the first woman to become the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration? 1. [ ] Jane Garvey 2. [x] Marion Blakey 3. [ ] Janet Napolitano 4. [ ] Deborah Hersman 43. ##### Who was the first woman to become the Director of the National Science Foundation? 1. [ ] Louise Slaughter 2. [ ] Rita Colwell 3. [x] Sylvia Mathews Burwell 4. [ ] Neal Lane 44. ##### Who was the first woman to become the Administrator of the Federal Highway Administration? 1. [ ] Madeleine Albright 2. [ ] Susan Rice 3. [x] Mary Peters 4. [ ] Margaret Mead 45. ##### Who was the first woman to become the Administrator of the Small Business Administration? 1. [ ] Maria Contreras-Sweet 2. [x] Linda McMahon 3. [ ] Carla Hills 4. [ ] Elizabeth Dole 46. ##### Who was the first woman to become the Administrator of the General Services Administration? 1. [ ] Lurita Doan 2. [x] Martha Johnson 3. [ ] Mary Good 4. [ ] Karen Hughes 47. ##### Who was the first woman to become the Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration? 1. [ ] Kathryn Sullivan 2. [ ] Sylvia Earle 3. [x] Jane Lubchenco 4. [ ] Julie Packard 48. ##### Who was the first woman to become the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency? 1. [ ] Janet Napolitano 2. [ ] Deborah Hersman 3. [ ] Juliette Kayyem 4. [x] Deanne Criswell 49. ##### Who was the first woman to become the Administrator of the Office of Personnel Management? 1. [ ] Patricia Harrison 2. [ ] Kay Coles James 3. [ ] Donna Shalala 4. [x] Beth Cobert 50. ##### Who was the first woman to become the Administrator of the Social Security Administration? 1. [ ] Carolyn Watts Colvin 2. [x] Kilolo Kijakazi 3. [ ] Nancy Berryhill 4. [ ] Jo Anne Barnhart

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