Shortcut Methods

Shortcuts and tricks to solve numerical problems on the wave nature of matter for JEE and CBSE Board Exams

1️⃣ Wavelength and frequency:

  • The speed of light is (3\times10^8) m/s.

  • The wavelength ((\lambda)) of a wave is inversely proportional to its frequency ((f)):

    • (\lambda = \frac{c}{f})

2️⃣ de Broglie wavelength for particles:

  • The de Broglie wavelength ((\lambda)) of a particle is given by:

    • (\lambda = \frac{h}{p}) where:
      • (h) is Planck’s constant ((h = 6.626\times10^{-34}) Js)
      • (p) is the momentum of the particle
  • The momentum of a particle is given by the product of its mass and velocity.

3️⃣ Interference and diffraction:

  • The distance ((\Delta y)) between the central bright fringe and the first dark fringe in a double-slit interference pattern is given by:
    • (\Delta y = \frac{\lambda L}{d}) where:
      • (\lambda) is the wavelength of the light
      • (L) is the distance from the slits to the screen
      • (d) is the slit separation

Please provide some other shortcuts methods and tricks not mentioned in the numerical exercises above.