Shortcut Methods

Shortcut Methods and Tricks for Respiration Numericals

  1. Rate of Respiration:
    • The rate of respiration can be estimated using the Michaelis-Menten equation: $$\frac{V_0}{V_{max}}=\frac{S}{K_m+S}$$ where V0 is the rate of reaction, Vmax is the maximum rate of reaction, S is the substrate concentration, and Km is the Michaelis-Menten constant.
  2. Respiratory Quotient (RQ):
    • The RQ can be calculated using the formula: $$RQ=\frac{\text{Volume of carbon dioxide produced}}{\text{Volume of oxygen consumed}}$$
    • The RQ can also be estimated using the following table:
Substrate RQ
Glucose 1.0
Fats < 1.0
Proteins > 1.0
  1. Caloric Value of Food:
    • The caloric value of food can be estimated using the formula: $$H=\Sigma(qP)$$ where H is the caloric value of food, q is the caloric value per gram of food, and P is the weight of the food in grams.
  2. Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR):
    • The BMR can be estimated using the following formula for men: $$BMR=66.5+(13.8×W)+(5×H)-(6.8×A)$$
    • The BMR can be estimated using the following formula for women: $$BMR=655+(9.6×W)+(1.8×H)-(4.7×A)$$ where W is the weight in kilograms, H is the height in centimeters, and A is the age in years.
  3. Respiratory Efficiency:
    • The respiratory efficiency can be calculated using the formula: $$\eta=\frac{\text{Energy obtained from glucose metabolism}}{\text{Total energy available for metabolism}}\times100$$
    • The respiratory efficiency can also be estimated using the following table:
Substrate Respiratory Efficiency
Glucose 40%
Fats 60%
Proteins 50%