Shortcut Methods

Numerical Values for Reflection of Light and Formation of Images

1. Mirror Formula (for spherical mirrors):

  • Object distance (u): Typically ranges from a few centimeters to infinity (∞).
  • Image distance (v): Can be positive (for real images) or negative (for virtual images).
  • Focal length (f): Typically ranges from a few centimeters to a few meters.

2. Magnification (for spherical mirrors):

  • Lateral magnification (m): Can be positive (enlarged image) or negative (diminished image).
  • Values for lateral magnification can range from less than 1 (diminished image) to greater than 1 (enlarged image).

3. Mirror Equation:

  • Relation between object distance (u), image distance (v), and focal length (f) is given by 1/u + 1/v = 1/f.

4. Laws of Reflection:

  • Angles of incidence (i) and reflection (r) are typically measured in degrees and their values are equal, i.e., i = r.

5. Ray Tracing Diagrams:

  • Construction of ray diagrams for spherical mirrors involves drawing incident rays parallel to the principal axis, rays through the center of curvature, and rays toward the focus.

6. Sign Conventions:

  • Standard sign conventions are used for distances and heights:
  • Distances are positive for real objects and negative for virtual objects.
  • Heights are positive for images above the principal axis and negative for images below the principal axis.

7. Focal Length Measurements:

  • The focal length of a spherical mirror can be experimentally determined using the object-image distance relationship or the thin lens equation.

8. Types of Images:

  • Real images are formed by the actual convergence of reflected light rays, while virtual images appear to form behind the mirror due to the divergence of reflected rays.


These numerical values are approximate and can vary depending on the specific problem or scenario.