Shortcut Methods

JEE Exam:

In the provided list of formulas for moments of inertia, there is only one difference in the formula for the moment of inertia of a thin rectangular plate. The JEE formula is:

$$I_{plate}=\frac{ML(W^2 + L^2)}{12}$$

While the CBSE formula is:

$$I_{plate}=\frac{ML(W^2 + L^2)}{6}$$

The JEE formula contains a factor of 1/2, which corresponds to the use of a different coordinate system. In the JEE formula, the axis of rotation is taken to be perpendicular to the length and width of the plate, passing through its center. In the CBSE formula, the axis of rotation is taken to be parallel to the length of the plate, passing through its center.

#CBSE Board Exam: There are no additional shortcut methods or tricks mentioned for solving numerical problems related to moments of inertia.

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