Shortcut Methods

Shortcut Methods and Tricks for Solving Numerical

1. Equation of a wave

The equation of a wave is given by: $$y = A sin(kx - \omega t)$$

  • Amplitude (A): The amplitude of a wave is the maximum displacement of a particle of the medium from its equilibrium position.
  • Wave number (k): The wave number is related to the wavelength by the equation:

$$k = 2\pi/\lambda$$ where (\lambda) is the wavelength.

  • Angular frequency ((\omega)): The angular frequency is related to the frequency by the equation:

$$\omega = 2\pi f$$ where f is the frequency.

2. Sinusoidal waves

  • Sinusoidal waves are characterized by their smooth, undulating shape.
  • The equation of a sinusoidal wave is given by: $$y = A sin(kx - \omega t)$$ where A is the amplitude, k is the wave number, and w is the angular frequency.

3. Speed of waves

The speed of a wave is given by the equation: $$v = \lambda f$$ where v is the speed of the wave, (\lambda) is the wavelength, and f is the frequency.

Tricks and Shortcuts

1. To find the speed of a wave, you can use the following shortcut:

Speed of a wave = distance between two adjacent crests or troughs / time taken for one complete oscillation

2. To find the wavelength of a wave, you can use the following trick:

If you place your fingers on the crests or troughs of two adjacent waves, the distance between your fingers is equal to the wavelength.

3. To determine whether a wave is transverse or longitudinal, look at the direction of the vibrations:

Transverse waves: the particles of the medium vibrate perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation Longitudinal waves: the particles of the medium vibrate parallel to the direction of wave propagation

4. The superposition of two or more waves with similar frequencies can result in interference:

Constructive interference: when the crests and troughs of two or more waves align, the resulting amplitude is the sum of their individual amplitudes Destructive interference: when the crests of one wave align with the troughs of another, the resulting amplitude is the difference between their individual amplitudes


It’s important to understand the concepts behind the equations and tricks rather than relying solely on memorization. Additionally, practice solving various numerical problems to enhance your understanding and skills.