Shortcut Methods

Shortcut Methods and Tricks for Numerical Problems in Kinematics

Time (t):

  • If time is measured in several seconds, convert it to hours or days based on the context.
  • For celestial problems, note the difference in time units (hours or days) to make calculations easier.

Displacement (d or x):

  • For problems involving projectile motion, use the equation: x = (u x t) + 0.5 x a x t²
  • For general displacement in various scenarios, understand the equations and concepts governing the context.

Velocity (v):

  • Remember the unit conversions: 1 m/s ≈ 3.6 km/h

Acceleration (a):

  • For free fall problems, use g = 9.8 m/s²

Graphs (v-t and x-t graphs):

  • Calculate slope for velocity (v = dx/dt) and acceleration (a = dv/dt)
  • Find the equation of the line if necessary for the calculations.

Dimensional Analysis:

  • Always check if units match on both sides of the equations.
  • If not, convert the units to ensure the equation is dimensionally consistent.

Units and Conversion:

  • Be proficient in converting between: meters, seconds, kilometers, hours, etc.
  • Use simple methods or multiplication/division factors for conversions.

Vector Representation:

  • Interpret and use vectors with proper notations and components.
  • Visualize vectors and their operations to solve problems graphically.

Motion Equations:

  • Be familiar with the formulas and equations for motion with constant acceleration:
  • v = u + at
  • d = u x t + 0.5 x a x t²
  • v² = u² + 2as
  • a = (v - u)/t

Free Fall:

  • Remember that g = 9.8 m/s² for free fall problems.
  • Find time of fall using: t = √(2h/g)
  • Find final velocity using: v = √(2gh)


  • Use the following equation to calculate range of projectile: R = (u²/g) x sin2θ

Newton’s Laws of Motion:

  • Apply the appropriate law of motion for the given problem.
  • Draw force diagrams to visualize forces and their effects on objects.

Circular Motion:

  • Understand that velocity is tangent to the circle and centripetal acceleration is towards the center.
  • Use the formulas: T = 2πr/v and a = v²/r
  • Calculate time period, frequency, and centripetal acceleration.

Relative Motion:

  • Visualize the motion of objects in different reference frames.
  • Use addition or subtraction of velocities depending on the situation.

Note: Practice is essential to master solving numerical problems. Always check your units, equations, and values to ensure your calculations are correct.