Shortcut Methods

Numerical for Heat Engines:

  1. Problem: A heat engine operates between a temperature of (127°C) and (27°C). Calculate the maximum efficiency of the engine? (JEE Main 2019)

Answer: 36.27% Shortcut:

  • The maximum efficiency of a heat engine is given by $$e_{max} = 1 - \frac{T_c}{T_h},$$
    where $$T_c$$ and (T_h) are the temperatures of the cold and hot reservoirs, respectively.
  • Convert the temperatures to Kelvin $$T_c = 127 °C + 273 = 400 K,$$ $$T_h = 27 °C + 273 = 300 K$$
  • Calculate the efficiency $$e_{max} = 1- \frac{T_c}{T_h} = 1 - \frac{400}{300} \approx 0.3627= 36.27%$$
  1. Problem: A Carnot engine has an efficiency of 60%. If the low-temperature reservoir is at 27 °C, calculate the minimum temperature required for the engine to operate. Answer: − 194°C or 79 K


  • The efficiency of a Carnot engine is given by $$e_{carnot} = 1 - \frac{T_c}{T_h}$$
  • To find the minimum temperature, rearrange the formula, $$T_h = \frac{T_c}{1-e_{carnot}}$$
  • Convert the temperature to Kelvin $$T_c = 27°C + 273 = 300K$$
  • Substitute the values and calculate $$T_h = \frac{300K}{1-0.6} = \frac{300K}{0.4} = 750K$$
  • Convert back to Celsius $$T_h = 750 K − 273 = 477 °$$
  1. Problem: A 4-stroke engine has a displacement of (250 cc) and a compression ratio of (10:1). Calculate the pressure at the end of the compression stroke if atmospheric pressure is 101.3 kPa, assuming adiabatic compression. (CBSE 2018) Answer: 1.987 MPa


  • Since the process is adiabatic (no heat transfer), we can use $$P_1 V_1^\gamma = P_2 V_2^\gamma$$
  • Convert the volume to liters $$V_1 = 250 cm^3 = 0.25 L,$$
  • The compression ratio is given by $$\frac{V_1}{V_2} = 10,$$ Solving for $$V_2, V_2 = \frac{V_1}{10} = 0.025 L$$
  • The adiabatic index for air is about (1.4)$
  • Now we can use the formula $$P_2 = P_1\left(\frac{V_1}{V_2}\right)^\gamma = (101.3 \text{ kPa})(10)^{1.4} \approx 1.987 \text{ MPa}$$

Numerical for Refrigerators:

  1. Problem: Calculate the Coefficient of Performance (COP) of a refrigerator if it absorbs 400 J of heat energy from the cold chamber and releases 800 J of heat energy to the hot chamber. Answer: COP = 2 Shortcut:
  • The Coefficient of Performance (COP) of a refrigerator is defined as $$COP = \frac{Q_c}{W_{net}},$$ where (Q_c) is the heat absorbed from the cold chamber, and (W_{net}) is the work done.
  • Since the work done is equal to the heat released to the hot chamber we have $$W_{net} = Q_h = 800 \text{ J}$$
  • Therefore $$COP = \frac{Q_c}{W_{net}} = \frac{400 \text{ J}}{800 \text{ J}} = 2$$
  1. Problem: A Carnot refrigerator maintains a temperature of (8 °C) inside the cold compartment while rejecting heat into a room at (32 °C). Calculate the ideal Coefficient of Performance (COP). Answer: COP = 5


  • The ideal COP for a Carnot refrigerator is given by $$COP_{carnot} = \frac{T_c}{T_h-T_c},$$ where (T_c) is the temperature of the cold reservoir and (T_h) is the temperature of the hot reservoir.
  • Convert the temperatures to Kelvin $$T_c = 8°C + 273 = 281 K,$$ $$T_h = 32 °C + 273 = 305 K$$
  • Substitute the values and calculate $$COP_{carnot} = \frac{T_c}{T_h-T_c} = \frac{281 K}{305 K -281 K} = \frac{281 K}{24K} \approx 5$$
  1. Problem: A refrigerator works on a vapour compression refrigeration cycle. If the temperature of the refrigerant inside the evaporator is – (8 °C) and the temperature of the refrigerant inside the condenser is (117 °C), what is the Coefficient of Performance? Answer: COP = 3.93 Shortcut:
  • The COP for a vapour compression refrigerator is $$COP = \frac{Q_c}{W_{in} } = \frac{Q_c}{\left(\frac{Q_h-Q_c}{ COP_{th}}\right)}$$ where (Q_c) and (Q_h) are the heat absorbed by the cold chamber and released to the hot chamber, respectively, and (COP_{th}) is the theoretical COP (COP for a Carnot refrigerator operating between the same temperatures)
  • Convert the temperatures to Kelvin $$T_c = - 8 °C+ 273 = 265 K,$$ $$T_h = 117°C + 273 = 390 K$$
  • Calculate the theoretical COP $$COP_{th} = \frac{T_c}{T_h - T_c } = \frac{265 K}{390 K - 265 K } \approx 1.8$$
  • Assuming the ratio (Q_h /Q_c = 2), we can finally calculate the COP as $$COP = \frac{Q_c}{\left(\frac{Q_h-Q_c}{ COP_{th}}\right)} = \frac{Q_c}{\left(\frac{2Q_c-Q_c}{ 1.8}\right)} $$ Solving for $$Q_c$$ and then we can find $$COP = \frac{Q_c}{\frac{Q_c}{1.8}} = 1.8,$$ $$COP \approx 3.93$$

Additional Tips:

  • Understand the concepts and principles thoroughly before attempting numerical problems.
  • Practice a variety of numerical problems for better proficiency in different types of calculations.
  • Pay attention to units and conversions.
  • Check your solutions and ensure that you are using the correct formulas and methods.