Shortcut Methods

JEE Mains Level:

Shortcut Methods

  • Use the cyclic integral of entropy change, ∮ dS = Q/T, to calculate the change in entropy for a reversible process.
  • Use the inequality ΔS ≥ Q/T to calculate the change in entropy for an irreversible process.
  • Remember that the entropy of a pure crystalline substance at absolute zero is zero.
  • Use the fact that the entropy of a system increases with increasing temperature and with increasing disorder to predict the direction of entropy changes.
  • Use the T-S diagram to visualize the change in entropy for a given process.


  • Remember that ∮ dS = 0 for a cyclic process.
  • Use the fact that Q/T is the area under the curve on a T-S diagram.
  • Use the properties of entropy to simplify calculations.

CBSE Board Level:

Shortcut Methods

  • Remember that the entropy of a system is a measure of its disorder.
  • Remember that the entropy of a system increases when heat is added to it and decreases when heat is removed from it.
  • Remember that the entropy of a pure crystalline substance at absolute zero is zero.
  • Remember that the entropy of a system at a given temperature T is maximum when the system is in thermal equilibrium with its surroundings.
  • Use the T-S diagram to visualize the change in entropy for a given process.


  • Think about the disorder of a system to predict the direction of entropy changes.
  • Use the properties of entropy to simplify calculations.