Shortcut Methods

Shortcut Methods and Tricks for Numeric Problems:


When dealing with large or small numbers, consider using approximations to simplify calculations. For instance, you can round numbers to significant digits or use the nearest integer.

Scientific Notation:

Numbers in scientific notation can easily represent very large or small values, making them readable and manageable.


Logarithms are useful for simplifying complex expressions involving powers and can reduce calculations.

Properties of Powers and Exponents:

Understand the properties of powers and exponents to simplify complex expressions and calculations.

Unit Conversions:

Ensure that all units are consistent throughout a problem. Use conversion factors to convert between different units if necessary.


If a problem contains repeated expressions, substitute them with a variable to simplify calculations.


Group similar terms together to simplify expressions.

Factoring and Cancelling:

Factor and reduce fractions to simplify expressions.

Estimation and Dimensional Analysis:

Use estimation to approximate results quickly. Dimensional analysis can be used to check the validity of calculations.


Look for symmetry or patterns in the problem to simplify calculations.