Shortcut Methods

Shortcuts and Tricks to Solve JEE Main, Advanced, and CBSE Class 12 Definite Integral Problems

JEE Main

  1. Finding the Area Bounded by a Curve and the x-axis:

    • Use the formula, Area = ∫[a,b] f(x) dx, where a and b are the limits of integration and f(x) is the function representing the curve.
    • Split the area into simple regions and integrate each region separately.
  2. Finding the Volume of a Solid Revolution:

    • Use the formula, Volume = ∫[a,b] πf(x)^2 dx, where a and b are the limits of integration, f(x) is the function representing the curve being revolved, and π is the constant pi (approximately 3.14).
    • Alternatively, you can use the Disk Method or Shell Method to find the volume.
  3. Evaluating Improper Integrals:

    • If the function f(x) has an infinite discontinuity at a or b, or if the limit of integration is infinite, then the integral is considered improper.
    • Use the limit definition of the definite integral to evaluate improper integrals.
  4. Applying Definite Integrals to Problems in Physics and Engineering:

    • Use the concept of work done by a variable force to find the work done by a force over a certain distance.
    • Use the concept of the center of mass to find the center of mass of a given object or system.

JEE Advanced

  1. Definite Integrals Involving Trigonometric Functions:

    • Use trigonometric identities to simplify the integral and then integrate using standard formulas.
    • Use the definite integral properties to evaluate integrals involving trigonometric functions.
  2. Definite Integrals Involving Inverse Trigonometric Functions:

    • Use the substitution method to transform the integral into an integral involving trigonometric functions.
    • Then, integrate using standard formulas.
  3. Definite Integrals Involving Logarithmic Functions:

    • Use the substitution method to transform the integral into an integral involving natural logarithms (ln).
    • Then, integrate using the power rule of integration.
  4. Definite Integrals Involving Exponential Functions:

    • Use the substitution method to transform the integral into an integral involving natural logarithms (ln).
    • Then, integrate using integration by parts.

CBSE Class 12:

  1. Finding the Area Bounded by a Curve and the x-axis:

    • Follow the same approach as in JEE Main, using the formula Area = ∫[a,b] f(x) dx.
  2. Finding the Volume of a Solid Revolution:

    • Follow the same approach as in JEE Main, using the formula Volume = ∫[a,b] πf(x)^2 dx, the Disk Method, or the Shell Method.
  3. Using Definite Integrals to Evaluate Improper Integrals:

    • Follow the same approach as in JEE Main, using the limit definition of the definite integral.