Shortcut Methods

JEE Main Numeric Shortcut Methods and Tricks:

1. Electronegativity: Electronegativity generally increase from left to right and decreases from top to bottom within a period or group, respectively.

2. Ionization Energies: Ionization energies show an increase from left to right and top to bottom within a group and period, respectively.

3. Melting Points: Melting point generally increases with an increase in atomic number and molecular mass within a group or period.

4. Boiling Points: Boiling point follows a similar pattern to melting point.

5. Atomic Radii: Atomic radii decrease across a period and increase down a group

**CBSE Board Exam Numericals: ** For calculations, I will use the given values from the JEE Main Numerics:

  1. Electronegativity difference between C and F: EN Difference = EN (F) - EN (C) = 4 - 2.55 = 1.45

  2. Ionization energy of B: Ionization energy of Boron (B) = 899 kJ/mol

  3. Melting point of Si: Melting point of Silicon (Si) = 1414 °C

  4. Boiling point of N in Kelvin: Boiling point of Nitrogen (N) in Kelvin = -195.8 °C + 273 K = 77.2 K

  5. Atomic radius of O: Atomic radius of Oxygen (O) = 48 pm

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