Shortcut Methods

Cell Structure and Function

Shortcut methods and tricks:

  • Remember the size ranges of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells: prokaryotes are typically 1-10 micrometers, while eukaryotes are 10-100 micrometers.

  • To calculate the total number of base pairs in the human genome, multiply the number of chromosomes (46) by the number of base pairs per chromosome (3.2 billion).

  • For water content, remember the range of 70-80% as a rule of thumb.

  • For protein, lipid, and carbohydrate content, remember the approximate percentages: protein (15-20%), lipid (2-3%), carbohydrate (1-2%).

  • For surface area and volume of a typical cell, remember the ranges: surface area (100-1000 square micrometers), volume (1000-10000 cubic micrometers).

Cell Cycle and Cell Division

  • Remember the duration of the cell cycle (24 hours), mitosis (1 hour), and meiosis (24 hours) in human cells as general guidelines.

  • Recall that a diploid cell has 46 chromosomes, while a haploid cell has 23.

  • Remember the key events in meiosis: synapsis (pairing of homologous chromosomes), crossing over (exchange of genetic material), independent assortment (random distribution of chromosomes), and fertilization (union of sperm and egg).