Shortcut Methods

Shortcut methods and tricks for numerical problems involving Carnot Engine and Carnot Theorem:

  1. Efficiency:

    • For small temperature differences, the efficiency can be approximated as $$\eta \approx \frac{T_h-T_c}{T_h}.$$
  2. Work Done:

    • The work done can be calculated as the area under the PV diagram of a Carnot cycle on a P-V plane.
    • The work done is equal to the heat absorbed, (Q_h), minus the heat rejected, (Q_c), in a Carnot cycle.
  3. Coefficient of Performance(COP):

    • The COP of a Carnot refrigerator can also be expressed as $$COP = \frac{T_c}{T_h - T_c}.$$
  4. Reversibility:

    • A Carnot engine is reversible and operates at maximum efficiency. When reversed, it functions as a Carnot refrigerator with a maximum COP.
  5. Ideal Gas Law:

    • Use the ideal gas law to relate pressure, volume, and temperature.
    • Remember the gas laws, specifically Boyle’s law, Charles’s law, and Gay-Lussac’s law, to analyze changes in pressure, volume, and temperature of gases in different processes.