Shortcut Methods

Shortcut Methods and Tricks to Solve Numerical Problems on Biotechnology and Its Applications for JEE and CBSE:

1. Percentage increase/decrease shortcut:

  • To find the percentage increase, use the formula: Percentage increase = [(Final value - Initial value) / Initial value] * 100.

2. Amino acid calculation from nucleotides:

  • Since one codon(three nucleotides) codes for one amino acid:

    Number of amino acids = Total number of nucleotides / 3

3. Chargaff’s rule shortcut:

  • According to Chargaff’s rule, the percentage of adenine (A) is equal to the percentage of thymine (T), and the percentage of guanine (G) is equal to the percentage of cytosine (C).

4. Restriction enzyme shortcuts:

  • Understand the specific palindromic sequence the restriction enzyme recognizes.
  • Identify all the recognition sites within the given DNA sequence. Count the number of fragments created by cutting at these sites.

5. Calculating final population size:

  • Remember the equation: Final population size = Initial population size * 2^Number of generations.
  • Determine the number of generations by dividing the given time by the generation time.
  • Calculate the final population size by raising the initial population size to the power of the number of generations.