Biology In Human Welfaremicrobes In Human Welfare Topic

Shortcut Methods and Tricks for Solving Numerical Problems on Microbes in Human Welfare:

1. Curd Formation Shortcut:

  • Multiply the amount of milk sugar (lactose) in grams by 0.5 to find the amount of lactic acid produced in grams in 1-2 hours.

2. Nitrogen Cycle Shortcut:

  • Multiply the amount of nitrite converted by Nitrobacter by 0.1 to find the amount of nitrates produced.

3. Biogas Production Shortcut:

  • Use the typical percentage ranges of methane (55-75%) and carbon dioxide (25-45%) to estimate the composition of biogas.

4. Antibiotics Shortcut:

  • Remember the antibacterial activity of Penicillin as 16 units per milliliter.

5. Vaccine Production Shortcut:

  • Remember the approximate number of killed poliovirus particles per milliliter in Jonas Salk’s polio vaccine as 13,500 million.

6. Sewage Treatment Shortcut:

  • Remember the percentage of wastewater flow that is recycled as return sludge in activated sludge treatment (around 25-35%).

7. Microbes in Food Shortcut:

  • Remember the protein content of tempe produced by fermentation of soybeans by Rhizopus oligosporus or Aspergillus oryzae as 20-25%.

8. Biological Control Agents Shortcut:

  • Remember the approximate LD50 (lethal dose to 50% of the target pest population) of azadirachtin from the neem tree as 3-5 ppm.

9. Bioremediation Shortcut:

  • Remember the estimated percentage range of oil hydrocarbons that can be degraded by microbes per year under favorable conditions (around 5-20%).

Note: These shortcuts provide a quick and easy way to recall important numerical values related to the topic of Microbes in Human Welfare. It’s crucial to understand the underlying concepts and principles to apply these shortcuts effectively.