Shortcut Methods

Hormone Function Synthesis Transport Mechanisms of Action Roles in Agriculture
Auxin - Cell elongation - Synthesized primarily in apical meristems Polar transport - Binding to receptor proteins in cells - Rooting hormones, herbicides, and plant growth regulators
- Apical dominance and young leaves (basipetal and - Activation of AUX/IAA genes
- Root development - Derived from tryptophan amino acid acropetal) - pH changes in cell walls
- Tropisms (e.g., phototropism, gravitropism)
Gibberellin - Stem elongation - Synthesized in shoot tips and young leaves Non-polar transport - Binding to specific receptors in cells - Promoting stem elongation, improving yields
- Seed germination - Complex enzymatic pathway (both acropetal and - Activation of gene expression
- Flowering regulation basipetal transport) - DELLA protein degradation
- Fruit development
Abscisic Acid - Stress response - Synthesized in various plant tissues Diffusion and - Binding to specific receptors in cells - Enhancing stress tolerance, seed dormancy
- Stomatal regulation - Derived from carotenoids vascular transport - Activation of stress response genes
- Leaf abscission - Regulation of stomatal closure
- Seed dormancy - Promotion of leaf senescence
Ethylene - Fruit ripening - Synthesized mainly from methionine Gas (diffusion) - Binding to specific receptors in cells - Ripening of fruits, promoting senescence
- Senescence - Enzymatic reactions - Activation of transcription factors
- Leaf abscission
- Stress response
Cytokinin - Cell division and growth - Synthesized in roots, young leaves, seeds Xylem and phloem - Binding to specific receptors in cells - Promoting cell division, shoot and root development
- Shoot development - Conversion of AMP to various cytokinins - Activation of cell division-related genes - Used in plant tissue culture, improving crop yield
- Root development
- Nutrient uptake
- Delay in senescence

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