Shortcut Methods

CAM plants have evolved the CAM pathway as an adaptation to conserve water in arid or semi-arid conditions. CAM pathway show temporal separation of the biochemical pathways. The CAM pathway is energetically less efficient than regular photosynthesis due to the multiple steps involved in carbon fixation and release. While both C4 and CAM plants are adapted to arid conditions, they use different strategies. C4 plants have a spatial separation of initial carbon fixation, while CAM plants have a temporal separation. CAM pathway allows plants to effectively use water by reducing transpiration during the day when water loss is more likely. Both internal and external factors affect photosynthesis. Light intensity directly impacts photosynthesis rates, with increased light leading to higher rates until a saturation point is reached. Elevated carbon dioxide levels can enhance photosynthesis up to a certain threshold, improving efficiency. Temperature influences enzyme activity in photosynthesis, with optimal rates occurring within a specific temperature range. Limited water availability can lead to stomatal closure, reducing carbon dioxide intake and ultimately photosynthesis.

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