Shortcut Methods

Gland Function Location Significance
Pineal Gland Produces melatonin, regulating sleep-wake cycles. Near the center of the brain. Influences circadian rhythms and seasonal cycles.
Thyroid Gland Produces thyroid hormones (T3 and T4), regulating metabolism. In the neck, below the Adam’s apple. Essential for energy regulation and metabolic rate.
Parathyroid Gland Produces parathyroid hormone (PTH), regulating calcium levels. Behind the thyroid gland. Crucial for bone health, muscle function, and nerve signaling.
Thymus Maturation of T-cells for immune function. In the chest, behind the sternum. Key in developing a strong immune system, especially in childhood.
Adrenal Glands Produce cortisol, aldosterone, and adrenal androgens. Above the kidneys. Vital for stress response, metabolism, and electrolyte balance.
Pancreas Produces insulin, glucagon, and digestive enzymes. Behind the stomach. Essential in metabolism, digestion, and blood sugar regulation.
Gonads Produce sex hormones and gametes. (Testosterone in males, estrogen and progesterone in females) Testes (male), ovaries (female). Crucial for sexual development, reproductive function, and secondary sexual characteristics.

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