Shortcut Methods

1. Chromosomal Basis:

Human sex determination is based on the XX-XY system, with specific sex chromosomes.

Females have XX chromosomes, while males have XY chromosomes.

2. Role of Sex Chromosomes:

The Y chromosome carries the SRY gene, triggering male development.

XX results in female development, while XY leads to male development.

3. Genetic Diversity:

Exceptions include atypical sex chromosome combinations due to genetic mutations.

Conditions like Klinefelter syndrome or Turner syndrome may result.

4. Environmental Factors:

Unlike some species, human sex determination is primarily genetic and not influenced by the environment.

5. Clinical Significance:

Understanding sex determination is crucial for medical genetics, fertility treatments, and reproductive medicine.

6. Ethical and Social Considerations:

Study of sex determination raises ethical questions related to gender identity and rights.

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