Shortcut Methods

Principles of Inheritance and Variation:

1. Mendel’s Experiments:

Gregor Mendel conducted experiments with pea plants, studying traits like flower color, seed shape, and pod color.

2. Mendel’s Laws:

Law of Dominance:

Dominant alleles mask the expression of recessive alleles.

Dominant alleles are represented by uppercase letters (e.g., A), and recessive alleles by lowercase letters (e.g., a).

Law of Segregation:

Alleles segregate during gamete formation.

Gametes carry only one allele for a trait.

Law of Independent Assortment:

Alleles of different genes segregate independently during gamete formation.

Assortment of alleles for one trait doesn’t influence another trait.

3. Genotype and Phenotype:

Genotype: Genetic makeup (e.g., AA, Aa, aa).

Phenotype: Observable trait (e.g., purple flowers, white flowers).

4. Punnett Squares:

Used to predict offspring genotypes and phenotypes in genetic crosses.

5. Monohybrid and Dihybrid Crosses:

Monohybrid: Study of one trait inheritance.

Dihybrid: Study of two different trait inheritances simultaneously.

6. Variations:

Differences in traits among individuals.

Result from different allele combinations inherited from parents.

7. Role in Evolution:

Variations and natural selection drive the evolution of species.

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