Shortcut Methods

Characteristic Porifera Coelenterata (Cnidarians) Ctenophora Platyhelminthes (Flatworms) Aschelminthes (Roundworms)
Symmetry Asymmetrical (lack of) Radial symmetry Radial symmetry Bilateral symmetry Bilateral symmetry
Germ Layers None (lack true tissues) Two germ layers (diploblastic) Two germ layers (diploblastic) Three germ layers (triploblastic) Three germ layers (triploblastic)
Body Plan Simple, lack true tissues/organs Simple, central body cavity (gastrovascular cavity) Gelatinous, unique ciliary combs Flattened, often parasitic, simple digestive system Cylindrical body, tough cuticle, diverse lifestyles
Nervous System Lack a true nervous system Simple nerve net and nerve cells Simple nervous system Primitive nervous system with ganglia More developed nervous system with ganglia and nerve cords
Special Structures Choanocytes for filter-feeding Cnidocytes with nematocysts Comb rows for locomotion Some are parasitic with specialized adaptations Tough cuticle, diverse reproductive strategies
Habitat and Lifestyles Mostly aquatic, sessile filter feeders Mostly marine, sessile and free-swimming species Marine, planktonic, free-swimming Aquatic and terrestrial, free-living and parasitic forms Various environments, including soil, aquatic habitats, and parasites
Complexity Simplest and least complex Simple with radial symmetry Simple with unique ciliary structures More complex, bilateral symmetry More complex, bilateral symmetry

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