Shortcut Methods

Basis of Classification Point to Remember Example
Symmetry Radial Symmetry Example: Jellyfish
Bilateral Symmetry Example: Butterfly
Levels of Organization Cellular Level Example: Sponges
Tissue Level Example: Cnidarians (e.g., corals)
Organ Level Example: Earthworm
Organ System Level Example: Humans (e.g., circulatory system)
Germ Layers Diploblastic Organization (2 layers) Example: Cnidarians (e.g., jellyfish)
Triploblastic Organization (3 layers) Example: Vertebrates (e.g., fish, birds)
Presence of Notochord Chordates have a notochord during Example: Vertebrates (e.g., fish, humans)
embryonic development
Behavior Behavioral traits are used for Example: Migration in birds
Habitat Animals are classified based on their Example: Aquatic animals vs. terrestrial
ecological habitats animals

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