SSC Exam PYQs on Simple Interest Part 3

SSC Exam PYQs on Simple Interest Part 3

#### A sum of Rs 1750 is divided into two parts such that the interests on the first part at 8% simple interest per annum and that on the other part at 6% simple interest per annum are equal. What is the interest accumulated on each part (in Rs)? 1. [ ] Rs. 20 2. [ ] Rs. 40 3. [x] Rs. 60 4. [ ] Rs. 160 #### A person deposited some amount of money in the bank at simple interest. After 15 years, the amount became seven times. In how many years will the amount become ten times if the interest rate remains the same 1. [ ] 5 yrs 2. [ ] 12 yrs 3. [x] 22.5 yrs 4. [ ] 10 yrs #### A sum of Rs. 800 amounts to Rs. 920 in 3 years at simple interest. If the interest rate increases by 3%, what will be the amount 1. [ ] Rs. 990 2. [ ] Rs. 998 3. [x] Rs. 992 4. [ ] Rs. 996 #### A sum of money was lent at simple interest at 11% per annum for 7/2 years and 9/2 years, respectively. If the interest difference for two periods was Rs. 5500, find the sum 1. [ ] Rs. 20000 2. [ ] Rs. 40000 3. [x] Rs. 50000 4. [ ] Rs. 16000 #### Rs. 2379 is divided into 3 parts so that the amounts after 2, 3 and 4 years, respectively, are equal. What is the first part if the interest rate is 5% per annum on simple interest 1. [ ] Rs. 850 2. [ ] Rs. 449 3. [x] Rs. 828 4. [ ] Rs. 965