Practice Questions Part 2

Practice Questions Part 2

#### In a school, there are 20 boys and 30 girls. If the school wants to divide them into teams with the same number of boys and girls in each team, what is the maximum number of teams they can form? 1. [ ] 5 2. [x] 10 3. [ ] 15 4. [ ] 20 #### A farmer has 36 cows and 48 sheep. If he wants to put them into pens with the same number of cows and sheep in each pen, what is the maximum number of pens he can make? 1. [ ] 6 2. [x] 12 3. [ ] 18 4. [ ] 24 #### An ice cream parlor sells ice cream in packs of 15 cones and 20 cups. If a customer wants to buy an equal number of cones and cups, what is the minimum number of packs they need to buy? 1. [ ] 30 2. [ ] 40 3. [x] 60 4. [ ] 50 #### A toy store has 36 red balls and 48 blue balls. If they want to arrange them into boxes with an equal number of red and blue balls in each box, what is the maximum number of boxes they can make? 1. [ ] 6 2. [x] 12 3. [ ] 18 4. [ ] 24 #### A gardener has 24 roses and 36 tulips. If they want to plant them in rows with the same number of roses and tulips in each row, what is the maximum number of rows they can plant? 1. [ ] 4 2. [ ] 6 3. [x] 12 4. [ ] 18 #### In a classroom, there are 30 desks and 40 chairs. If the teacher wants to arrange them in rows with the same number of desks and chairs in each row, what is the maximum number of rows they can make? 1. [ ] 5 2. [x] 10 3. [ ] 15 4. [ ] 20 #### A hardware store has 48 screws and 60 nails. If they want to put them into containers with the same number of screws and nails in each container, what is the maximum number of containers they can make? 1. [ ] 6 2. [x] 12 3. [ ] 18 4. [ ] 24