Initial Values and Coin Value Calculations

Initial Values and Coin Value Calculations

1. [ ] 140 2. [ ] 175 3. [x] 208 4. [ ] 245 #### A sum of money is to be divided among P, Q and R in the ratio 7 : 9 : 4. If P gets ₹ 1500 more than R then find the difference between the shares of P and Q. 1. [ ] ₹ 900 2. [ ] ₹ 500 3. [x] ₹ 1,000 4. [ ] ₹1,500 #### The ratio of the monthly incomes of A and B is 11: 13 and the ratio of their expenditures is 9:11. If both of them manage to save ₹4,000 per month, then find the difference in their incomes (in ₹). 1. [ ] 2,500 2. [ ] 3,200 3. [x] 4,000 4. [ ] 3,000 #### There are 34000 Rupees in a bag in the denomination of Rs 50, Rs 100,Rs 500 and Rs 1000 currency notes. If the ratio of the number of those notes is 2:3:4:1 then find the number of notes of 500 denomination. 1. [ ] 20 2. [x] 40 3. [ ] 30 4. [ ] 50 #### The salary of A,B,C are in the ratio of 5,3,2. If the increment 20% , 25% and 30% respectively are allowed in their salaries,then what will be the new ratio of the salaries? 1. [ ] 120:11:39 2. [ ] 122: 10: 8 3. [x] 120: 75: 52 4. [ ] 120: 71: 59 #### A boy has Rs 728 in denomination of Rs 2 notes,Rs 5 notes and Rs 10 notes in the ratio of 3:2:4 respectively.What is the total number of notes he has? 1. [ ] 115 2. [x] 117 3. [ ] 120 4. [ ] 121