Geometric Changes and Academic Percentages

Geometric Changes and Academic Percentages

#### A rectangle has a length of 8 cm and a width of 5 cm. If the length is increased by 50%, what is the area of the new rectangle? 1. [ ] 20 cm 2. [ ] 40 cm 3. [x] 60 cm 4. [ ] 120 cm #### A square has a side length of 6 cm. If the side length is decreased by 25%, what is the perimeter of the new square? 1. [ ] 12 cm 2. [x] 18 cm 3. [ ] 20 cm 4. [ ] 24 cm #### A cube has a side length of 5 cm. If the side length is increased by 50%, what is the surface area of the new cube? 1. [ ] 150 cubic cm 2. [x] 337.5 cubic cm 3. [ ] 300 cubic cm 4. [ ] 450 cubic cm #### The price of a product decreases by 8% every year. If the initial price was ₹1000, what is the price after 3 years? 1. [ ] ₹793.60 2. [ ] ₹831.52 3. [x] ₹774.27 4. [ ] ₹702.45 #### In a geometric sequence, the first term is 300 and the common ratio is 2. What is the 6th term of the sequence? 1. [ ] 4800 2. [ ] 5320 3. [x] 9600 4. [ ] 6432