Basic to Complex Percentage Variations

Basic to Complex Percentage Variations

#### If the original price of an item is Rs. 60 and it is marked down by 30%, what is the discount? 1. [ ] Rs. 12 2. [x] Rs. 18 3. [ ] Rs. 20 4. [ ] Rs. 30 #### A product originally costs Rs. 40. If there is a 15% discount and a 5% sales tax, what is the final price of the item? 1. [ ] Rs. 31 2. [ ] Rs. 60 3. [x] Rs. 35.7 4. [ ] Rs. 36 #### If a TV has a list price of Rs. 1,200 and is on sale for 25% off, what is the sale price? 1. [ ] Rs. 450 2. [ ] Rs. 600 3. [ ] Rs. 720 4. [x] Rs. 900 #### If a retailer purchased a shirt for Rs. 20 and marked it up by 60%, what is the new price? 1. [ ] Rs. 24 2. [ ] Rs. 30 3. [x] Rs. 32 4. [ ] Rs. 35 #### If an electronics store advertises a 30% off sale, but the original price of a computer was marked up by 25% before the sale, what is the true reduction? 1. [ ] 0% 2. [ ] 5% 3. [ ] 10% 4. [x] 12.5