Related Problems with Solutions

Problem 15 : Explain the concept of hybridization in the formation of molecular orbitals. Determine the hybridization of the central atom in water (H₂O).
Solution :

Hybridization involves the combination of atomic orbitals to form hybrid orbitals that participate in bonding. To determine the hybridization of the central oxygen (O) atom in H₂O:

  1. Count the total number of valence electrons: O has 6, and each H has 1. Total = 6 (O) + 2 (H) + 2 (H) = 10 electrons.

  2. Determine the central atom: In H₂O, oxygen (O) is the central atom.

  3. Determine the steric number: Steric number = Number of lone pairs + Number of bonded atoms Steric number = 2 (lone pairs on O) + 2 (H atoms bonded to O) = 4.

  4. Determine the hybridization: The steric number of 4 corresponds to sp³ hybridization. Therefore, the central oxygen atom in H₂O undergoes sp³ hybridization.