Related Problems with Solution

Question: What is the term for flowers that possess both androecium and gynoecium?

A) Bisexual flowers B) Anther C) Stamens D) Unisexual flowers

Solution :

Bisexual flowers

Question: Which of the following options describes the transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma?

A) Pollination B) Fertilization C) Adoption D) Diffusion

Solution :


Question: What is the process that involves the fusion of the female reproductive nucleus with the male reproductive nucleus?

A) Adoption B) Excretion C) Fertilization D) Regeneration

Solution :


Question: What are the two nuclei at the end of the pollen tube called?

A) Tube nucleus and a generative nucleus B) Sperm and ovum C) Generative nucleus and stigma D) Tube nucleus and sperm

Solution :

Tube nucleus and a generative nucleus

Question: When the generative nucleus divides, what does it form?

A) 2 male nuclei B) 3 male nuclei C) 2 female nuclei D) 3 female nuclei

Solution :

3 male nuclei

Question: What do one nucleus of the pollen tube and the secondary nucleus of the ovum grow into?

A) Stigma B) Endosperm C) Anther D) Stamen

Solution :


Question: What is the term for the stalk of a Datura flower at its base?

A) Pedicel B) Corolla C) Sepals D) Thalamus

Solution :


Question: What is the collective term for the male reproductive parts of a flower, the stamens?

A) Androecium B) Filament C) Anther D) Gynoecium

Solution :


Question: What is the other name for gynoecium?

A) Pistil B) Stigma C) Androecium D) Style

Solution :
