Related Problems with Solution

title: “Exemplar Problems” parent: “Biology-12” order: 2 draft: false

Question: From the functional megaspore in an angiosperm, what does it develop into?

A) Endosperm B) Embryo C) Embryo sac D) Ovule

Solution :

Embryo sac

Question: Among the following statements, which one is incorrect?

A) Pollen sacs are developed microsporangia B) Pollen grains are developed microspores C) Vegetative cell of the pollen grain is bigger than the generative cell D) In over 60 percent of angiosperms pollens are shed at 3-celled stage

Solution :

Vegetative cell of the pollen grain is bigger than the generative cell.

Question: What is the name of the flap-like structure found opposite to the scutellum in grass embryos?

A) Coleoptile B) Coleorrhiza C) Epiblast D) Hypoblast

Solution :


Question: Which of the following sequences is correct for artificial hybridization experiments in bisexual flowers?

A) Bagging → Emasculation → Cross pollination → Rebagging B) Emasculation Bagging → Cross pollination > Rebagging C) Cross pollination — Bagging → Emasculation → Rebagging D) Self-pollination → Bagging → Emasculation → Rebagging

Solution :

A) Bagging → Emasculation → Cross pollination → Rebagging

Question: Do all of the following plants produce both chasmogamous and cleistogamous flowers?

A) Viola (Common pansy) B) Oxalis C) Commelina D) All of the above

Solution :

All of the above plants produce both chasmogamous and cleistogamous flowers.

Question: Which of the following pairs represents organisms that cannot complete their life cycle without each other?

A) Snake - Santalum B) Ficus - Bats C) Moth - Yucca

Solution :

Moth - Yucca