Notes from Toppers

Detailed Notes: Structure of Atom -B

1. Quantum Numbers:

  • Principal Quantum Number (n) denotes the main energy level of an electron. (Ref: NCERT Class 11, Chap 2)
  • Azimuthal Quantum Number (l) represents the shape of the electron orbital. (Ref: NCERT Class 11, Chap 2)
  • Magnetic Quantum Number (ml) describes the orientation of the orbital in space. (Ref: NCERT Class 11, Chap 2)
  • Spin Quantum Number (ms) indicates the intrinsic spin of the electron. (Ref: NCERT Class 11, Chap 2)

2. Electronic Configurations:

  • Aufbau Principle: Electrons fill orbitals in order of increasing energy levels. (Ref: NCERT Class 11, Chap 2)
  • Pauli Exclusion Principle: No two electrons can have the same set of four quantum numbers. (Ref: NCERT Class 11, Chap 2)
  • Hund’s Rule: Electrons in the same orbital have the same spin. (Ref: NCERT Class 11, Chap 2)

3. Electron Energy Levels:

  • Energy Level Diagrams: Represent the arrangement of electrons in an atom based on their energy levels. (Ref: NCERT Class 11, Chap 2)
  • Orbitals: Three-dimensional regions where the probability of finding an electron is maximum. (Ref: NCERT Class 11, Chap 2)
  • s, p, d, and f Orbitals: Different types of orbitals with characteristic shapes. (Ref: NCERT Class 11, Chap 2)

4. Periodic Properties:

  • Atomic Radii: Trends in atomic radii across periods and groups. (Ref: NCERT Class 11, Chap 3)
  • Ionization Energy: Energy required to remove an electron from an atom. (Ref: NCERT Class 11, Chap 3)
  • Electronegativity: Ability of an atom to attract electrons. (Ref: NCERT Class 11, Chap 3)
  • Periodic Trends: Patterns in properties of elements based on their position in the periodic table. (Ref: NCERT Class 11, Chap 3)

5. Quantum States and Atomic Spectroscopy:

  • Quantum States: Specific energy levels occupied by electrons in atoms. (Ref: NCERT Class 12, Chap 1)
  • Atomic Spectra: Emission and absorption of light by atoms when electrons transition between energy levels. (Ref: NCERT Class 12, Chap 1)
  • Spectroscopic Notation: Describing atomic spectra using spectroscopic terms. (Ref: NCERT Class 12, Chap 1)

6. Quantum Mechanics and Wave-Particle Duality:

  • Wave-Particle Duality: Electrons exhibit both particle and wave-like properties. (Ref: NCERT Class 12, Chap 1)
  • Quantum Mechanical Model: Describes the behavior of electrons in terms of probability waves. (Ref: NCERT Class 12, Chap 1)
  • Schrodinger Equation: Mathematical equation describing the wave function of an electron. (Ref: NCERT Class 12, Chap 1)

7. Effective Nuclear Charge:

  • Effective Nuclear Charge (Z-eff): Net positive charge experienced by an electron in an atom. (Ref: NCERT Class 12, Chap 2)
  • Shielding Effect: Reduction in Z-eff due to the presence of other electrons. (Ref: NCERT Class 12, Chap 2)
  • Slater’s Rules: Approximating Z-eff for multi-electron atoms. (Ref: NCERT Class 12, Chap 2)

8. Hund’s Rule and Multiple Electron Systems:

  • Hund’s Rule: Electron configurations with maximum spin multiplicity are more stable. (Ref: NCERT Class 12, Chap 2)
  • Exchange Energy: Energy stabilization due to exchange interactions between electrons. (Ref: NCERT Class 12, Chap 2)
  • Stability of Multiple Electron Systems: Explaining the stability of atomic configurations. (Ref: NCERT Class 12, Chap 2)

9. Atomic Radii and Ionization Energies:

  • Atomic Radii: Trends in atomic radii across periods and groups. (Ref: NCERT Class 12, Chap 2)
  • Ionization Energy: Energy required to remove an electron from an atom. (Ref: NCERT Class 12, Chap 2)
  • Factors Affecting Ionization Energy: Effective nuclear charge, number of valence electrons. (Ref: NCERT Class 12, Chap 2)

10. Exceptions and Irregularities in Electronic Configurations:

  • Exceptions to General Rules: Deviations from expected electronic configurations. (Ref: NCERT Class 12, Chap 2)
  • Half-filled or Fully Filled Orbitals: Stability of certain configurations. (Ref: NCERT Class 12, Chap 2)
  • Irregularities in Transition Metals: Causes and consequences. (Ref: NCERT Class 12, Chap 3)