Notes from Toppers

Detailed Notes for Potential and Potential Energy - Toppers’ Perspective

1. Gravitational Potential Energy

  • Definition: Gravitational potential energy (U_{grav}) of an object of mass (m) at a height (h) above the Earth’s surface is given by the formula:


(g=9.8 m/s^2) is the acceleration due to gravity.

  • Potential energy due to the Earth’s gravitational field: An object of mass (m) placed at a distance (r) from the Earth’s center experiences the potential energy:


(G=6.67\times10^{-11} Nm^2/kg^2) is the gravitational constant, and (M_e) is the mass of the Earth.

  • Potential energy of a system of point masses: The total potential energy of a system of several point masses is given by the sum of the individual potential energies between each pair of masses.


(r_{ij}) is the distance between the masses.

  • Gravitational potential and its relation to the gravitational field: Gravitational potential at a point is the amount of gravitational potential energy per unit mass possessed by an object placed at that point. Gravitational potential ((\phi)) is related to the gravitational field ((g)) by the equation:


-**2. Electrostatic Potential Energy**_

  • Definition: Electrostatic potential energy (U_{elec}) stored in a point charge (q) placed in an electric field of strength (E) is given by


  • Potential energy of a point charge in an electric field: The potential energy of a point charge (q) in an electric field (\overrightarrow{E}) is given by:


(V) is the electric potential at the location of the charge.

  • Potential energy of a system of point charges: The total potential energy of a system of point charges is given by the sum of the individual potential energies between each pair of charges. $$U_{elec}=\frac{1}{4\pi\varepsilon_0}\sum_i^N\sum_j^N\frac{q_iq_j}{r_{ij}}$$ -(\varepsilon_0=8.85\times10^{-12} C^2/Nm^2) is the permittivity of free space.
  • Electrostatic potential and its relation to the electric field: Electrostatic potential at a point is the amount of electric potential energy per unit charge possessed by an object placed at that point. Electrostatic potential (\phi) is related to the electric field (\overrightarrow{E}) by the equation:


**3. Potential Difference and Electric Potential**_

  • Definition: Electric potential at a point is the amount of electric potential energy per unit positive charged placed at that point. Electric potential (\phi) is also defined as the amount of work required to bring a unit positive charge from infinity to that point against the electric field: $$\phi=\frac{W}{q_0}$$ (q_0=+1C)
  • Potential difference (V): Potential difference between two points A and B is defined as the difference in the electric potential at those two points: (V_{AB}=\phi_B-\phi_A). It represents the amount of work done to move a unit positive charge from A to B.
  • Potential difference in circuits and its measurement: Potential difference is a fundamental quantity in electric circuits. It is measured using a voltmeter, which is connected in parallel to the components whose potential difference is being measured.
  • Equipotential surfaces: A surface on which all points have the same electric potential are known as equipotential surfaces. Field lines intersect perpendicular to equipotential surfaces.

4. Applications of Potential Energy

  • Projectile Motion: Gravitational potential energy plays a crucial role in analyzing the motion of projectiles. The total mechanical energy of a projectile in motion (sum of kinetic and gravitational potential energy) remains constant.
  • Electrical Circuits: Potential energy is crucial for understanding the behavior of electrical circuits. The potential difference between two points in a circuit determines the flow of charge and the associated electric current.
  • Electrostatic Interactions: Electrostatic potential energy governs interactions between charged particles and explains the behavior of electric fields and the formation of electric potential surfaces.

5. Conservative and Non-Conservative Forces

  • Conservative Force: A force is said to be conservative if the total work done by the force in moving a particle between any two points is independent of the path taken. Gravitational and electrostatic forces are conservative.
  • Non-Conservative Force: A force that is not conservative is called non-conservative. Frictional force and air resistance are examples of non-conservative forces.
  • Energy conservation with Conservative Forces: In a system acted upon by conservative forces, mechanical energy remains constant, allowing for energy conservation.

**6. Energy Conservation and Potential Energy**_

  • Energy conservation principle: Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transferred or transformed.
  • Total Mechanical energy: The total mechanical energy (E_{total}) of a particle or a system is the sum of its kinetic energy (E_K) and potential energy (U). $$E_{total}=E_K+U$$
  • Energy transformation: Potential energy can be converted into kinetic energy and vice versa. In an isolated system, total mechanical energy remains conserved throughout such transformations.

7. Potential Energy Diagrams and Graphs

  • Graphical representation of potential energy as a function of position or state of the system.
  • Potential energy diagrams provide information about the nature and stability of equilibrium positions.
  • Shape and features of potential energy diagrams help in understanding the behavior of the system and identifying important points (turning points, stable/unstable equilibrium, barriers, etc.).

8. Potential Energy in Quantum Mechanics

  • Wave-particle duality and the quantum mechanical description of potential energy.
  • Potential energy terms in the Schrödinger equation and their role in determining wave functions and particle behavior.
  • Understanding quantum tunneling and its implications on subatomic level phenomena like radioactive decay and scanning tunneling microscopy.