Mechanical Properties Of Solids Topic

Mechanical Properties of Solids

Detailed Notes from Toppers

Reference: NCERT Books for 11th and 12th Classes

1. Stress and Strain

Detailed Notes:

  • Stress: Force applied per unit area.

    • Tensile stress: Pulling force.
    • Compressive stress: Pushing force.
    • Shear stress: Force applied tangentially.
  • Strain: Fractional change in dimension

    • Longitudinal strain: Change in length.
    • Transverse strain: Change in width.
    • Shear strain: Change in angle.
  • Stress-strain curve: Represents the relationship between stress and strain.

  • Hooke’s law: Stress is proportional to strain within elastic limit.

  • Elastic modulus: ratio of stress to strain within elastic limit.

  • Young’s modulus: Elastic modulus for tensile or compressive stress.

  • Poisson’s ratio: ratio of transverse strain to longitudinal strain.

2. Elasticity and Plasticity

Detailed Notes:

  • Elasticity: Ability to regain original shape after deformation.
  • Plasticity: Ability to retain deformation after stress removal.
  • Yield strength: Stress at which material starts to deform plastically.
  • Ultimate tensile strength: Maximum stress a material can withstand.
  • Fracture toughness: Resistance to crack propagation.

3. Hardness and Toughness

Detailed Notes:

  • Hardness: Resistance to permanent deformation.
  • Toughness: Ability to absorb energy before fracture.
  • Moh’s scale: Qualitative measure of hardness based on scratch resistance.
  • Vickers hardness test: Measures hardness by diamond indentation.
  • Brinell hardness test: Measures hardness by ball indentation.
  • Rockwell hardness test: Measures hardness by depth of indentation.
  • Charpy impact test: Measures toughness by energy absorbed during fracture.
  • Izod impact test: Similar to Charpy test, but with different specimen.

4. Creep and Fatigue

Detailed Notes:

  • Creep: Gradual deformation under sustained stress.
  • Fatigue: Failure under repeated stress below ultimate strength.
  • Creep curves: Plots of strain vs. time under constant stress.
  • Fatigue curves: Plots of stress vs. number of cycles to failure.
  • Endurance limit: Maximum stress that can be applied indefinitely without fatigue failure.

5. Fracture

Detailed Notes:

  • Fracture: Separation of material into two or more pieces.
  • Types of fracture:
    • Ductile fracture: Gradual separation with significant plastic deformation.
    • Brittle fracture: Sudden separation with little or no plastic deformation.
  • Griffith theory of fracture: Explains brittle fracture based on energy release.
  • Energy release rate: Energy released per unit area of crack growth.
  • Fracture toughness: Resistance to crack propagation.

6. Dislocations and Defects

Detailed Notes:

  • Dislocations: Linear defects in crystal structure.
  • Types of dislocations:
    • Edge dislocation: Extra half-plane of atoms.
    • Screw dislocation: Spiral arrangement of atoms.
  • Point defects: Defects involving single atoms or ions.
  • Line defects: Dislocations
  • Surface defects: Cracks, pores
  • Volume defects: Voids, inclusions

7. Strengthening Mechanisms

Detailed Notes:

  • Strengthening mechanisms: Techniques to improve mechanical properties.
  • Grain size refinement: Reduces grain size to increase grain boundaries and hinder dislocation movement.
  • Solid solution strengthening: Adding alloying elements to distort the crystal lattice and impede dislocation motion.
  • Precipitation hardening: Formation of precipitates that act as barriers to dislocation movement.
  • Strain hardening: Cold working to increase dislocation density and hinder further dislocation movement.
  • Work hardening: Strengthening due to plastic deformation.