Kinetic Theory Of Gases And Equation Of Ideal Gas Topic

Kinetic Theory of Gases & Equation of Ideal Gas - Detailed Notes

Kinetic Theory of Gases

References: NCERT Physics Class 11, Chapter 13


  1. Properties of Gases:

    • Understand the kinetic nature of gases and the concept of molecular motion.
    • Learn about the properties of gases, such as pressure, volume, and temperature, and how they are related to the motion of gas molecules.
    • Study the concept of intermolecular forces and how they affect the behavior of gases.
  2. Pressure of Gases:

    • Understand the concept of gas pressure and its dependence on temperature, volume, and the number of molecules present.
    • Learn how to calculate the pressure of a gas using the ideal gas equation.
    • Study the factors that affect the pressure of a gas, such as temperature, volume, and the number of molecules.
  3. Kinetic Energy and Temperature:

    • Explore the relationship between kinetic energy and temperature of gas molecules.
    • Understand how the temperature of a gas affects the average kinetic energy of its molecules.
    • Study the relationship between temperature and the root-mean-square speed of gas molecules.
  4. Molecular Collisions and Mean Free Path:

    • Understand the concept of molecular collisions and their frequency.
    • Learn how to calculate the mean free path of gas molecules.
    • Study the factors that affect the mean free path of gas molecules, such as temperature, pressure, and the size of the molecules.
  5. Distribution of Molecular Speeds:

    • Study Maxwell’s distribution of molecular speeds and the different speed distributions at different temperatures.
    • Understand the concept of the most probable speed, the average speed, and the root-mean-square speed of gas molecules.
    • Learn how to calculate the distribution of molecular speeds using the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution law.

Equation of Ideal Gas

References: NCERT Physics Class 11, Chapter 13, NCERT Chemistry Class 11, Chapter 5, NCERT Physics Class 12, Chapter 5


  1. Ideal Gas Behavior:

    • Learn the concept of an ideal gas and the conditions under which gases can approximate ideal behavior.
    • Study the assumptions made in the ideal gas model.
    • Understand the concept of the ideal gas constant (R).
  2. Ideal Gas Law:

    • Understand and apply the ideal gas equation (PV = nRT) to solve problems involving pressure, volume, temperature, and number of moles of gases.
    • Learn how to use the ideal gas equation to calculate the pressure, volume, or temperature of a gas when the other variables are known.
    • Study the units of the ideal gas constant and how to convert between different units.
  3. Combined Gas Laws:

    • Study Boyle’s law, Charles’s law, and Avogadro’s law, and their combination into the general gas equation.
    • Understand the relationship between pressure, volume, and temperature of gases, as expressed by the combined gas laws.
    • Learn how to use the combined gas laws to predict the behavior of gases under different conditions.
  4. Molar Mass and Density:

    • Apply the ideal gas equation to determine the molar mass and density of gases.
    • Learn how to calculate the molar mass of a gas using the ideal gas equation.
    • Study how to determine the density of a gas using the ideal gas equation.
  5. Gas Mixtures and Partial Pressures:

    • Explore Dalton’s law of partial pressures and its applications in gas mixtures.
    • Understand the concept of partial pressure and how it contributes to the total pressure of a gas mixture.
    • Learn how to calculate the partial pressure of a gas in a mixture.
  6. Real Gases and Deviations from Ideal Behavior:

    • Understand the concept of real gases and how their behavior deviates from the ideal gas equation.
    • Study the van der Waals equation and how it accounts for the deviations from ideal gas behavior.
    • Learn how to use the van der Waals equation to calculate the pressure and volume of real gases.