Notes from Toppers

Inverse Trigonometric Functions - Detailed Notes

1. Principal Value and General Solution:

  • Principal Value:
  • The principal value of an inverse trigonometric function is the unique value within its principal range.
  • For inverse sine (sin^-1 x), principal range = [-π/2, π/2].
  • For inverse cosine (cos^-1 x), principal range = [0, π].
  • For inverse tangent (tan^-1 x), principal range = (-π/2, π/2).
  • General Solution:
  • The general solution of an inverse trigonometric function includes all possible solutions obtained by adding or subtracting integer multiples of 2π (for sine and cosine) or π (for tangent) to the principal value.

2. Properties and Identities:

  • Domain and Range:

  • Domain: For sin^-1 x, [-1, 1]; cos^-1 x, [-1, 1]; tan^-1 x, R (all real numbers).

  • Range: For sin^-1 x, [-π/2, π/2]; cos^-1 x, [0, π]; tan^-1 x, (-π/2, π/2).

  • Even/Odd Functions:

  • sin^-1 x and tan^-1 x are odd functions.

  • cos^-1 x is an even function.

  • Periodicity:

  • sin^-1 x and tan^-1 x have a period of 2π.

  • cos^-1 x has a period of 2π.

3. Graphs:

  • Graphs of sin^-1 x and tan^-1 x:

  • Both graphs pass through the origin.

  • sin^-1 x is an increasing function and goes from -π/2 to π/2 as x increases from -1 to 1.

  • tan^-1 x is also an increasing function and goes from -π/2 to π/2 as x increases from -∞ to ∞.

  • Graph of cos^-1 x:

  • Graph of cos^-1 x lies in the interval [0, π].

  • As x increases from - 1 to 1, the graph starts at π and decreases to 0.

4. Composition of Functions:

  • Identities:

  • sin(cos^-1 x) = sqrt(1 - x^2) for -1 ≤ x ≤ 1

  • cos(sin^-1 x) = sqrt(1 - x^2) for -1 ≤ x ≤ 1

  • tan(cos^-1 x) = sqrt(1 - x^2) / x for 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, x ≠ 0

  • Composition of Functions:

  • Compositions with trigonometric functions can yield simplified expressions or identities.

5. Solving Equations:

  • Solving Trigonometric Equations:
  • Inverse trigonometric functions are used to solve trigonometric equations.
  • For example, to solve the equation sin x = 0.5, we can find the value of x using the inverse sine function: x = sin^-1 (0.5) = π/6.

6. Applications:

  • Finding Angles:
  • Inverse trigonometric functions are used in finding angles of elevation or depression in real-life measurements and surveying.
  • Oblique Triangles:
  • Inverse trigonometric functions are employed in solving problems related to oblique triangles, where not all angles are right angles.
  • Modeling Periodic Phenomena:
  • Used in modeling periodic functions like sinusoidal motion and oscillatory behavior.

7. Integration and Differentiation:

  • Integration:

  • ∫ sin^-1 x dx = x sin^-1 x + sqrt(1 - x^2) + C

  • ∫ cos^-1 x dx = x cos^-1 x - sqrt(1 - x^2) + C

  • ∫ tan^-1 x dx = x tan^-1 x - ½ ln | sec x + tan x | + C

  • Differentiation:

  • d/dx sin^-1 x = 1/sqrt(1 - x^2)

  • d/dx cos^-1 x = -1/sqrt(1 - x^2)

  • d/dx tan^-1 x = 1/(1 + x^2)

8. Parametric Equations and Curves:

  • Parametric Equations:
  • Inverse trigonometric functions can be used to define parametric equations of curves, representing their motion or trajectory.

9. Inverse Hyperbolic Functions:

  • Definition and Properties:
  • Analogous to inverse trigonometric functions but involve hyperbolic functions.
  • Properties similar to inverse trigonometric functions.

10. Trigonometric Equations and Inequalities:

  • Solving Advanced Equations and Inequalities:
  • Use inverse trigonometric functions to solve complex trigonometric equations and inequalities, such as equations with multiple angles or solutions.


  • NCERT Mathematics Textbook Class 11, Chapter 3: Trigonometric Functions
  • NCERT Mathematics Textbook Class 12, Chapter 2: Inverse Trigonometric Functions