Notes from Toppers

Introduction to Waves-Equation, Sinusoidal and Speed of Waves


1. Mechanical waves:

  • Disturbance that travels through a material medium.
  • Requires a medium to propagate.
  • Examples: sound waves, water waves, seismic waves.

2. Electromagnetic waves:

  • Does not require a medium to propagate.
  • Travels at the speed of light in a vacuum.
  • Examples: light waves, radio waves, X-rays.

3. Wave motion:

  • Periodic disturbance that moves through space and carries energy.
  • Characteristics: amplitude, wavelength, frequency, phase.

4. Sinusoidal wave:

  • A smooth, repeating wave with a sinusoidal shape.
  • Represented by the equation: $$y = A \sin(kx - \omega t + \phi)$$ where A = amplitude, k = wave number, (\omega) = angular frequency, and (\phi) = phase constant.

5. Phase difference:

  • Difference between the phases of two waves at a particular point in time.

6. Phase velocity:

  • Speed at which the phase of a wave moves through space.

7. Group velocity:

  • Speed at which the energy of a wave moves through space.

8. Wavefronts:

  • Surfaces of constant phase in a wave.
  • Perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation.

9. Rays:

  • Lines perpendicular to wavefronts that indicate the direction of wave propagation.

10. Wave packets:

  • Localized group of waves that have a finite extent in space and time.

Equations and Formulas:

1. Wave velocity: $$v = \lambda f$$ where (v) is wave velocity, (\lambda) is wavelength, and (f) is frequency.

2. Wave period: $$T = \frac{1}{f}$$ where (T) is wave period and (f) is frequency.

3. Wave frequency: $$f = \frac{1}{T}$$ where (f) is wave frequency and (T) is wave period.

4. Energy of a wave: $$E = \frac{1}{2} \rho v^2 A^2$$ where (E) is wave energy, (\rho) is medium density, (v) is wave velocity, and (A) is wave amplitude.

5. Intensity of a wave: $$I = \frac{P}{A}$$ where (I) is wave intensity, (P) is wave power, and (A) is the cross-sectional area perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation.


1. Sound waves:

  • Used in speech, music, and communication.
  • Applications in medical imaging (ultrasound) and underwater acoustics.

2. Water waves:

  • Used in transportation, recreation, and coastal engineering.
  • Applications in understanding tides, ocean currents, and wave energy.

3. Electromagnetic waves:

  • Used in communication (radio, TV, mobile phones), imaging (X-rays, MRI), and remote sensing (satellites).
  • Applications in energy transmission, heating, and spectroscopy.

Tips for JEE Preparation:

1. Refer to NCERT Physics textbooks (11th and 12th) for comprehensive coverage of the topic.

2. Practice numerical problems and solved examples from sample papers and past JEE exams.

3. Study the behavior of waves in different contexts, such as sound, light, and water.

4. Grasp the fundamental concepts to build a strong understanding. Do not memorize facts.