Notes from Toppers

Introduction to Simple Harmonic Motion

Definition and Concept

  • SHM is the periodic motion where the restoring force is proportional to the displacement from the equilibrium position.
  • The force is always directed towards the equilibrium position.

Properties of SHM

  • Time period (T) : Time taken to complete one oscillation.
  • Frequency (f) : Number of oscillations per second.
  • Amplitude (A) : Maximum displacement from the equilibrium position.
  • Angular frequency (ω) : Rate at which the phase of harmonic motion changes, measured in radians per second.
  • Phase (φ) : The position of a point in a cycle of oscillation relative to a reference point, often measured in radians or degrees.

Equations of SHM

  • Displacement: x(t) = Acosωt + φ
  • Velocity: v(t) = -Aωsinωt
  • Acceleration: a(t) = -Aω²cosωt

Graphical Representation

Graphs of (x(t), v(t), a(t)) versus time (t) for a particle executing simple harmonic motion.

Energy in SHM

  • Potential Energy: PE = ½kA²cos²ωt
  • Kinetic Energy: KE = ½kA²sin²ωt
  • Total Energy: TE = ½kA²

Relationship with Uniform Circular Motion

  • SHM can be viewed as the projection of uniform circular motion on a diameter of the circle.
  • The radius of the circle is equal to the amplitude of the SHM.


  • Springs
  • Pendulums
  • Oscillating Systems

Problem-Solving Techniques

  1. Understand the question and identify the relevant concepts.
  2. Choose an appropriate equation(s) to solve the problem.
  3. Substitute the given values into the equation(s).
  4. Solve for the unknown variable.


  • NCERT Physics Class 11, chapter 15.
  • NCERT Physics Class 12, chapters 1, 2.