Notes From Toppers

Human Physiology - Breathing and Exchange of Gases: Notes

The Respiratory System

  1. Anatomy (NCERT class 11th Biology - Chapter 19)
    • Nasal passages
    • Pharynx
    • Larynx
    • Trachea
    • Bronchi
    • Bronchioles
    • Alveoli
  2. Respiratory muscles (NCERT class 11th Biology - Chapter 19)
    • Diaphragm
    • Intercostal muscles

The Breathing Process

  1. Mechanics of breathing (NCERT class 11th Biology - Chapter 19)
    • Inspiration
    • Expiration
    • Role of lungs in expansion and contraction
  2. Factors influencing breathing rate and depth (NCERT class 11th Biology - Chapter 19)
    • Physical activity
    • Emotions
    • Respiratory ailments

Gas Exchange in the Lungs

  1. Diffusion across the alveolar-capillary membrane (NCERT class 11th Biology - Chapter 19)
    • Oxygen
    • Carbon dioxide
  2. Role of hemoglobin in transporting gases (NCERT class 11th Biology - Chapter 19)
    • Oxygen
    • Carbon dioxide
  3. Partial pressures of gases in lungs and tissues (NCERT class 11th Biology - Chapter 19)
    • Oxygen
    • Carbon dioxide

Transport of Gases in the Blood

  1. Hemoglobin’s role in binding gases (NCERT class 11th Biology - Chapter 19)
    • Oxygen
    • Carbon dioxide
  2. Oxygen saturation and hemoglobin dissociation curves (NCERT class 11th Biology - Chapter 19)
  3. Factors affecting hemoglobin affinity for oxygen (NCERT class 11th Biology - Chapter 19)
    • pH
    • Temperature
    • Partial pressures of gases

Regulation of Breathing

  1. Respiratory center in medulla oblongata and pons (NCERT class 11th Biology - Chapter 19)
  2. Influence of chemoreceptors and mechanoreceptors (NCERT class 11th Biology - Chapter 19)
  3. Neural and hormonal factors (NCERT class 11th Biology - Chapter 19)
    • Vagus nerve
    • Carbon dioxide levels

Respiratory Disorders

  1. Common disorders impacting breathing and gas exchange (NCERT class 12th Biology - Chapter 16)
    • Asthma
    • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
    • Emphysema
    • Lung cancer
  2. Underlying mechanisms and symptoms (NCERT class 12th Biology - Chapter 16)

Adaptations for Gas Exchange

  1. Comparative study of respiratory adaptations in various organisms (NCERT class 11th and 12th Biology - Chapters 19, 21)
  2. Aquatic organisms (NCERT class 12th Biology - Chapter 21)
    • Fish
    • Aquatic insects
  3. Specialized structures and adaptations (NCERT class 12th Biology - Chapter 21)
    • Insects
    • Amphibians
    • Reptiles
    • Birds
    • Mammals