Notes from Toppers

Generalization of Ampere’s Law and its Applications

1. Generalization of Ampere’s Law

  • Extension of Ampere’s law to calculate the magnetic field due to various current configurations:
    • Straight wire: NCERT Physics Class 12, Chapter 4, “Moving Charges and Magnetism”, Section 4.2.2.
    • Solenoid: NCERT Physics Class 12, Chapter 4, “Moving Charges and Magnetism”, Section 4.2.3.
    • Toroid: NCERT Physics Class 12, Chapter 4, “Moving Charges and Magnetism”, Section 4.2.4.
    • Infinite sheet of current: HC Verma Concepts of Physics, Volume 2, Chapter 3, Section 3.12.
    • Coaxial cables: HC Verma Concepts of Physics, Volume 2, Chapter 3, Section 3.14.

2. Magnetic Field Inside Matter

  • Bound currents and their contribution to the magnetic field: NCERT Physics Class 12, Chapter 4, “Moving Charges and Magnetism”, Section 4.3.1.
  • Magnetic susceptibility and permeability: NCERT Physics Class 12, Chapter 4, “Moving Charges and Magnetism”, Section 4.3.2.
  • Diamagnetism, paramagnetism, and ferromagnetism: NCERT Physics Class 12, Chapter 4, “Moving Charges and Magnetism”, Section 4.3.3.

3. Applications of Ampere’s Law

  • Calculation of magnetic field due to different current-carrying conductors and devices: NCERT Physics Class 12, Chapter 4, “Moving Charges and Magnetism”, Section 4.4.1.
  • Magnetic force between two parallel current-carrying conductors: NCERT Physics Class 12, Chapter 4, “Moving Charges and Magnetism”, Section 4.4.2.
  • Torque experienced by a current loop in a magnetic field: NCERT Physics Class 12, Chapter 4, “Moving Charges and Magnetism”, Section 4.4.3.
  • Magnetic moment of a current loop: NCERT Physics Class 12, Chapter 4, “Moving Charges and Magnetism”, Section 4.4.4.

4. Solenoids and Inductors

  • Properties of solenoids and their magnetic fields: NCERT Physics Class 12, Chapter 4, “Moving Charges and Magnetism”, Section 4.5.1.
  • Inductance and its definition: NCERT Physics Class 12, Chapter 4, “Moving Charges and Magnetism”, Section 4.5.2.
  • Energy stored in an inductor: NCERT Physics Class 12, Chapter 4, “Moving Charges and Magnetism”, Section 4.5.3.

5. Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction

  • Introduction to Faraday’s law and its experimental demonstration: NCERT Physics Class 12, Chapter 6, “Electromagnetic Induction”, Section 6.1.
  • Electromotive force (EMF) induced by a changing magnetic field: NCERT Physics Class 12, Chapter 6, “Electromagnetic Induction”, Section 6.2.
  • Lenz’s law and its application in determining the polarity of induced EMF: NCERT Physics Class 12, Chapter 6, “Electromagnetic Induction”, Section 6.3.

6. Applications of Faraday’s Law

  • Generators and their working principle: NCERT Physics Class 12, Chapter 6, “Electromagnetic Induction”, Section 6.4.1.
  • Transformers and their basic operation: NCERT Physics Class 12, Chapter 6, “Electromagnetic Induction”, Section 6.4.2.
  • Inductors in AC circuits and their impedance: NCERT Physics Class 12, Chapter 7, “Alternating Current”, Section 7.2.

7. Magnetic Hysteresis

  • Behavior of ferromagnetic materials when subjected to a changing magnetic field: NCERT Physics Class 12, Chapter 4, “Moving Charges and Magnetism”, Section 4.6.1.
  • Hysteresis loop and its significance: NCERT Physics Class 12, Chapter 4, “Moving Charges and Magnetism”, Section 4.6.2.

8. Maxwell’s Equations

  • Introduction to Maxwell’s equations and their importance in electromagnetism: NCERT Physics Class 12, Chapter 8, “Electromagnetic Waves”, Section 8.1.
  • Ampere-Maxwell law and its relation to displacement current: NCERT Physics Class 12, Chapter 8, “Electromagnetic Waves”, Section 8.2.

9. Electromagnetic Waves

  • Generation of electromagnetic waves and their properties: NCERT Physics Class 12, Chapter 8, “Electromagnetic Waves”, Section 8.3.
  • Speed of electromagnetic waves and the electromagnetic spectrum: NCERT Physics Class 12, Chapter 8, “Electromagnetic Waves”, Section 8.4.