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Toppers’ Notes: Physical Chemistry (NCERT 11th and 12th)

Chapter 1: Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry

  • Physical Quantities:

  • Definition

  • Fundamental units

  • Dimensional Analysis [Refer to NCERT 11th, Chapter 1, section 1.2]

  • Accuracy, Precision, and Significant Figures:

  • Definition and examples

  • Rules for determining significant figures [Refer to NCERT 11th, Chapter 1, sections 1.3, 1.4]

  • States of Matter:

  • The three states of matter and their properties

  • Interconversions between states

  • Phase diagrams and critical phenomena [Refer to NCERT 11th, Chapter 2]

Chapter 2: Atomic Structure

  • History of Atomic Models:

  • Dalton’s atomic theory

  • Thomson’s plum pudding model

  • Rutherford’s nuclear model

  • Bohr’s model [Refer to NCERT 11th, Chapter 3]

  • Quantum Theory and Atomic Orbitals:

  • Wave-particle duality of matter

  • Heisenberg uncertainty principle

  • Quantum numbers and their significance [Refer to NCERT 12th, Chapter 1]

  • Electron Configuration:

  • Aufbau principle

  • Hund’s rule

  • Electronic configurations of elements [Refer to NCERT 12th, Chapter 1]

Chapter 3: Thermodynamics

  • Basic Concepts of Thermodynamics:

  • Thermodynamic systems and surroundings

  • Internal energy and heat

  • Work and energy

  • Extensive and intensive properties [Refer to NCERT 12th, Chapter 2]

  • Laws of Thermodynamics:

  • Zeroth law of thermodynamics

  • First law of thermodynamics and conservation of energy

  • Second law of thermodynamics and entropy

  • Third law of thermodynamics [Refer to NCERT 12th, Chapter 2]

  • Thermodynamic Processes:

  • Isothermal, adiabatic, isochoric, isobaric processes

  • Thermodynamic cycles and their efficiency [Refer to NCERT 12th, Chapter 2]

Chapter 4: Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure

  • Types of Chemical Bonds:

  • Ionic bonds

  • Covalent bonds

  • Metallic bonds

  • Hydrogen bonds [Refer to NCERT 11th, Chapters 4, 5]

  • Molecular Structure and Properties:

  • Lewis structures and VSEPR theory

  • Polarity of molecules

  • Intermolecular forces: van der Waals forces and hydrogen bonding

  • Molecular geometry [Refer to NCERT 11th, Chapters 4, 5, and NCERT 12th, Chapter 1]

Chapter 5: Equilibrium

  • Chemical Equilibrium:

  • Concept of dynamic equilibrium

  • Equilibrium constants (Kp and Kc) and their significance

  • Le Chatelier’s principle [Refer to NCERT 12th, Chapter 4]

  • Ionic Equilibrium:

  • Dissociation of weak acids and bases

  • pH and pOH calculations

  • Buffer solutions and their applications [Refer to NCERT 11th, Chapter 11]

  • Solubility Equilibrium:

  • Solubility product constant (Ksp) and its applications

  • Common-ion effect [Refer to NCERT 12th, Chapter 4]

Chapter 6: Redox Reactions and Electrochemistry

  • Redox Reactions:

  • Oxidation and reduction reactions

  • Balancing redox equations

  • Electrochemical cells and their components [Refer to NCERT 11th, Chapters 8 and 12]

  • Electrochemistry:

  • Electrode potentials and standard electrode potentials

  • Nernst equation and its applications

  • Electrolysis and its applications [Refer to NCERT 12th, Chapter 3]