First Lawwork Done In Different Thermodynamic Processes Topic

First Law of Thermodynamics : Work Done In Different Thermodynamic Processes

Isobaric Processes:

  • Concepts:

    • Work done during isobaric expansion is positive, while work done during isobaric compression is negative.
    • The work done is equal to the product of pressure and the change in volume.
  • Formula: $$W = -P\Delta V$$

  • Reference: NCERT Physics Class 12, Chapter 13, Section 13.5.1

Isochoric Processes:

  • Concepts:

    • No work is done during an isochoric process, as the volume remains constant.
  • Formula: $$W = 0$$

  • Reference: NCERT Physics Class 12, Chapter 13, Section 13.5.1

Isothermal Processes:

  • Concepts:

    • Work done during an isothermal expansion is negative, while work done during an isothermal compression is positive.
    • The work done is equal to the product of the pressure and the natural logarithm of the change in volume.
  • Formula: $$W = -nRT\ln\frac{V_f}{V_i}$$

  • Reference: NCERT Physics Class 12, Chapter 13, Section 13.5.2

Adiabatic Processes:

  • Concepts:

    • No heat is transferred during an adiabatic process.
    • The work done is equal to the negative change in internal energy.
  • Formula: $$W = -\Delta U$$

  • Reference: NCERT Physics Class 12, Chapter 13, Section 13.5.3

Reversible and Irreversible Processes:

  • Concepts:

    • A reversible process is one that can be reversed without leaving any changes in the system or the surroundings.
    • An irreversible process is one that cannot be reversed without leaving some changes in the system or the surroundings.
  • Reference: NCERT Physics Class 12, Chapter 13, Section 13.6

Cyclic Processes:

  • Concepts:

    • A cyclic process is one in which the system returns to its initial state after undergoing a series of changes.
    • The work done in a cyclic process is equal to the net heat added to the system.
  • Formula: $$W = \oint PdV$$

  • Reference: NCERT Physics Class 12, Chapter 13, Section 13.7

Efficiency of Heat Engines:

  • Concepts:

    • Efficiency of a heat engine is defined as the ratio of the work done by the engine to the heat input.
    • Carnot’s theorem states that the most efficient heat engine is a reversible engine operating between the same two temperatures.
  • Formula: $$\eta = \frac{W_{net}}{Q_H}$$

  • Reference: NCERT Physics Class 12, Chapter 13, Section 13.8