Notes from Toppers

Equilibrium of a Rigid Body, Moments and Center of Gravity

1. Moments and Torque

References: NCERT Physics Class 11, Chapter 7: System of Particles and Rotational Motion

  • Moment of a force:
  • Definition: The moment of a force is the turning effect produced by the force about a point or axis.
  • Calculation: Moment = Force × Perpendicular distance from the point/axis to the line of action of the force
  • Varignon’s theorem: The moment of a force about a point is equal to the sum of the moments of its components about the same point.
  • Principle of moments for equilibrium: A body is in equilibrium if the sum of the moments of the forces acting on it about any point is zero. -Torque:
    • Definition: Torque is a measure of the twisting or rotational effect of a force.
    • Relationship to moment of force: Torque = Moment of force

2.Center of Gravity

References: NCERT Physics Class 11, Chapter 7: System of Particles and Rotational Motion

  • Definition: Center of gravity of an object is the point where the entire weight of the object is considered to be concentrated.
  • Methods to find the center of gravity:
    • For symmetrical objects, the center of gravity is at the geometrical center.
    • For irregular objects, the center of gravity can be determined by suspension method, balancing method, or by using the principle of moments.
  • Properties and applications:
    • The weight of an object acts vertically downwards through its center of gravity.
    • The center of gravity is the point at which the resultant buoyant force acts on a floating object.
    • The stability of an object depends on its center of gravity.

3.Conditions for Equilibrium

References: NCERT Physics Class 11, Chapter 7: System of Particles and Rotational Motion

  • Translational equilibrium: A body is in translational equilibrium if the net force acting on it is zero.
  • Rotational equilibrium: A body is in rotational equilibrium if the net torque acting on it is zero.
  • Equations of equilibrium:
  • For a particle: ∑ F = 0
  • For a rigid body: ∑ F = 0 and ∑ τ = 0
  • Graphical representation: Free-body diagrams can be used to graphically represent forces and torques acting on a body.

4.Stability and Center of Mass

References: NCERT Physics Class 11, Chapter 7: System of Particles and Rotational Motion

  • Stability:
  • A body is stable if it returns to its equilibrium position after being slightly displaced.
  • A body is unstable if it does not return to its equilibrium position after being slightly displaced.
  • Center of mass:
    • The center of mass of a system of particles is the point at which the total mass can be considered to be concentrated.
    • For a uniform object, the center of mass is the same as the center of gravity.

5.Floating and Buoyancy

References: NCERT Physics Class 11, Chapter 8: Gravitation

  • Archimedes’ principle:
  • A body immersed in a fluid experiences an upthrust equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the body.
  • Buoyant force: The upthrust experienced by a body immersed in a fluid is called the buoyant force.
  • Conditions for equilibrium of floating bodies:
    • The weight of the body is equal to the buoyant force.
    • The center of gravity of the body is vertically above the center of buoyancy.
  • Metacenter:
  • The metacenter of a floating object is the point where the line of action of the buoyant force intersects the vertical line through the center of gravity when the object is slightly tilted.
  • The stability of a floating object depends on the position of the metacenter.

6.Application to Structures and Machines

References: NCERT Physics Class 11, Chapter 7: System of Particles and Rotational Motion; Physics Class 12, Chapter 9: Mechanical Properties of Solids

  • Analysis of forces and moments:
    • Analyze forces and moments acting on structures like beams, levers, and pulleys.
  • Calculation of reaction forces and internal forces:
    • Determine reaction forces at supports and internal forces within structures.
  • Design and optimization:
  • Use equilibrium principles to design and optimize structures and machines.

7.Problem-Solving Techniques

References: NCERT Physics Class 11, Chapter 7: System of Particles and Rotational Motion

  • Free-body diagrams:
  • Draw free-body diagrams to represent forces acting on a body or a system of particles.
  • Algebraic methods:
  • Use algebraic equations to solve equilibrium problems.
  • Graphical methods:
  • Use graphical methods (e.g., vector polygons, Mohr’s circle) to analyze forces and moments.
  • Conservation laws:
  • Apply conservation laws (e.g., conservation of energy) to solve equilibrium problems.
  • Interpretation and analysis:
  • Interpret and analyze equilibrium configurations and make predictions about the behavior of objects in equilibrium.