Notes from Toppers

Dimensions of Physical Quantities, Dimensional Analysis, and Its Applications: Detailed Notes

Dimensions and Units

  • Basics of dimensions and units: A physical quantity is a measurable property of a system. The dimensions of a physical quantity represent the type of measurement involved. Units are specific quantities used to express the magnitude of a physical quantity.
  • SI units: The International System of Units (SI) is the standard system of units used in science. SI units are based on seven fundamental units: meter, kilogram, second, ampere, kelvin, mole, and candela.
  • Derived units: Derived units are obtained by combining fundamental units. For example, the unit of velocity, meter per second (m/s), is derived from the SI units of length (meter) and time (second).

Dimensional Formulas

  • Determining dimensional formulas for physical quantities: The dimensional formula for a physical quantity represents its dimensions in terms of the fundamental units. To find the dimensional formula of a physical quantity, we analyze the physical nature of the quantity and express it as a product of powers of fundamental units.
  • Dimensional homogeneity: Dimensional homogeneity requires that both sides of an equation have the same dimensions. This concept helps in checking the validity and consistency of equations.
  • Checking the consistency of equations: Dimensional analysis can be used to check the consistency of equations. If the dimensions of both sides of an equation do not match, the equation is dimensionally inconsistent and may contain errors.

Dimensional Equations

  • Formation of dimensional equations: Dimensional equations represent the dimensions of a physical quantity in terms of exponents of fundamental units. To form a dimensional equation, we write the physical quantity as a product of powers of fundamental units.
  • Balancing dimensional equations: Balancing dimensional equations involves adjusting the exponents of fundamental units on both sides of an equation to ensure dimensional homogeneity.
  • Simplifying dimensional equations: Dimensional equations can be simplified by combining the powers of fundamental units with like exponents. This helps in identifying the basic dimensions of the physical quantity.

Applications of Dimensional Analysis

  • Unit conversion: Dimensional analysis can be used to convert units from one system to another. This involves multiplying or dividing the given quantity by appropriate conversion factors derived from dimensional equations.
  • Checking the validity of equations: Dimensional analysis can be used to check the validity of equations. If the dimensions of both sides of an equation do not match, the equation is dimensionally incorrect.
  • Deriving relationships between physical quantities: Dimensional analysis can be used to derive relationships between physical quantities by equating their dimensional equations. This method is particularly useful when the exact functional form of the relationship is not known.
  • Establishing dimensionless groups (Pi theorem):
    • Buckingham Pi theorem: The Buckingham Pi theorem states that any physical relationship involving n variables can be expressed as a relationship between n-r dimensionless groups, where r is the minimum number of fundamental quantities required to represent all the variables.
    • Determination of dimensionless numbers: Dimensional analysis can be used to determine dimensionless numbers that characterize physical phenomena. For example, the Reynolds number in fluid mechanics and the Nusselt number in heat transfer are dimensionless numbers.
    • Application of dimensionless numbers in fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and other branches of physics: Dimensionless numbers play a crucial role in fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and other branches of physics by providing insights into the behavior of physical systems.

Limitations of Dimensional Analysis

  • Distinguishing between fundamental and derived quantities: Dimensional analysis cannot distinguish between fundamental and derived quantities.
  • Understanding the empirical nature of dimensional analysis: Dimensional analysis is based on experimental observations and is empirical in nature. It does not provide any information about the fundamental laws governing physical phenomena.
  • Recognizing the inability to provide numerical values: Dimensional analysis alone cannot provide numerical values for physical quantities. It must be combined with experimental data or theoretical principles to obtain numerical results.

By studying these subtopics in detail and practicing relevant problems, you will gain a strong understanding of dimensions of physical quantities and dimensional analysis. This knowledge will help you tackle problems related to dimensions and units effectively in the JEE exam.


  • NCERT Physics textbooks (Class 11 and 12)
  • Concepts of Physics by H. C. Verma
  • Fundamentals of Physics by Halliday, Resnick, and Walker